Aniki 🌱🌿

🌱🌿 Use Linux. Ride bikes. Eat plants. 🌱🌿

  • 1 Post
Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


My town has stream recycling so we don’t even have to separate cardboard, plastic, and aluminum. I just chuck it all in the bin and let it be someone else’s problem.

You can solve this easily by not buying overpriced massproduced factory food.

Wanna fight back? Stop giving them money.

Don’t. Ender 3 is ancient garbage. I upgraded an ender 3 to a k1c and I’ll never go back. The only time I don’t get FLAWLESS prints is because the filament isn’t fast enough. I can print benchy in 30 minutes in the slow speed. And best of all I never have to fuck with it. Ever.

Are you familiar with WLED and ESPHome? You generally have two sets of pin outs, analog [pwm] and digital. You can hook almost anything up if you program your pin-outs to respond correctly. If you’re trying to get into programming on the ESP32, start with some Arduino programs. They both use the same C libraries.

There’s way to much publisher drama in video games. Let the pig-nosed capitalists burn every developer into the ground. From the ashes we’ll have a plethora of indy games not beholden to this shitfest.

Microsoft doesn’t even make hardware to play games anymore. It’s just PCs with less freedom. They are both worthless and useless.

Let it burn.

Yeah like if you bought CP2077 or NMS now and played past the 2h mark now you’re not getting that same refund.

What are you complaining about? Why do you care? Who gives a shit?

I think a better course would be to not take you seriously.

They wont because they are a worthless canadian tankie.

It’s just an ad hominem with extra steps.

Did some digging – This story is two years old. Old repo is here:

There’s a shit-ton of forks so I bet someone has made something more modern with the concept. I know very little C++ so I’m useless.

I am wrong they are all just forks with no commits.

I’ve been on quite a few military installations, lived on one, worked at two, and even those permanent bases didn’t have a refinery on-site. I supremely doubt that there’s equipment on a foreign base or forward operating base.

That’s not an opinion. An opinion is “I don’t like hamburgers.”

Types of sugars are facts.

There’s a lot of types of sugars and it’s worth it to know the difference. Table sugar is not the same as an orange, which isn’t the same as a sugary drink. They are all different types of sugars that hit the gut in different ways and require different processes to digest.

After getting royally screwed on Day Z Standalone, it’s been interesting watching people get scammed over and over again with it.

I once tried to restore replication on a broken MySQL cluster by restoring the backup on the only good, running node.

Ah unsourced youtube videos from “some dude” with 11k followers. Real tight ship you propagandist sail eh?

I FREQUENTLY work from bed, specially at night when I’m watching both TV and some script I wrote do it’s thing. I made myself a custom headboard that is outrageously comfortable for working upright.

Does GIMP even scale with monitor ratios? That was a huge problem last time I tried it. It’s a 4k world out there.

fuck nintendo. i should probably leave this community as i doubt ill give nintendo another dollar of my money.

I can’t wait to catch up on all the games coming out now in a few years with my steam deck oled 2.0, considering how much fun I am having playing everything from the 2010s on my Deck right now.

Are you serious?? Like, honest to goodnesses, are you serious?

tmobile doesn’t do free international data anywhere on earth. when I travel I have service before the airplane touches down. also, google fi uses carrier bonding so i will jump to us-cellular when I am up north which is extremely valuable for me as I am in the mountains constantly.

This is why I love Google Fi. I go anywhere on earth, and I have coverage. Unlimited everything. Never worry about nothing, ever, and has carrier bonding for when you’re really out there.

No way. Tetris Effect Connect on the Unreal Engine. I bought it twice just to have it on my Switch, PC, and Steam Deck.

Windows is way more shitty than Linux is difficult to learn, because it isn’t. You just need to understand how computers actually work to be able to use Linux.

I've been putting this off for way too long but I finally installed the LCARs theme in my HA and got to work redesigning all my dashboards.

ESPHome advanced troubleshooting
I started mucking about with ESPHome yesterday and setup a WROOM with an AHT22 temp/humidity sensor. Running the wizard and adding the configs is easy-peasy. I started to have issues as soon as I wanted to flash. - If the AHT22 is plugged in, I cannot flash the device over USB. - I can check the serial logs once the device is flashed and then plug in the AHT22 once the device is booted and get readings, but - Once I unplug the ESP32 from the serial port and plug it into a power supply, I got nothing. No network activity at all. - Unplug the AHT22, plug into the power source, wait a few seconds, plug in the AHT22 has _seemed_ to work correctly this morning and HA is pulling data but I tried that last night a few times and it didn't work -- so unsure why it's working this morning other than strange timing when I'm plugging the thing back in. I am using the basic ```esp32dev``` firmware, which I am assuming works because it DOES work, eventually, but I'm not confident I'm using the right base but I cannot figure out which one to use.