United States | News & Politics

>The recording, which we are not posting at the request of our source, is an unfiltered look into a fracture among key far-right figures in Idaho politics, in a state where many races turn on contests of conservative purity. >It’s a portrait of the tangled relationship between a power broker and a politician. It includes Nate insulting other legislators and accusing Scott of joining the establishment. It shows Scott questioning both whether God wants women in leadership and whether she wants to remain in Idaho at all. >Heather Scott and Maria Nate have each established their own perch in Idaho politics. >Scott, from her district near the top of the Idaho Panhandle, has made plenty of headlines. During her first week in office, lawmakers accused her of cutting down a piece of the fire suppression system because she believed it was a “listening device” — a claim she denies. >She’d explained that the Confederate flag she’d been photographed waving was merely signifying her support for “free speech.” She’d been removed from a committee after she was overheard saying that female House members “spread their legs” to get leadership positions — the same month that Moyle married a fellow legislator. >But despite all that — or, perhaps, because of all that — she’s cultivated an army of die-hard supporters from the North Idaho grassroots. >“Heather, do you just not trust me because I’m a woman?” Nate asked. “I do wonder, because you’d said to me a lot of times that women need to follow men.” >Scott insisted she trusted Nate but acknowledged that she does “think men are stronger leaders.” >“I just think that’s how God designed us,” Scott said. “Obviously, we’re in a time of attack and crisis. And I think that God has put a lot of women in leadership positions because we’re in judgment. That’s why we’re always — it’s not natural, I don’t think.”

Authorities continued their search on Tuesday for the individual responsible for fatally striking a girl with a boat while she was waterskiing in South Florida over the weekend. The victim has been identified as 15-year-old Ella Adler from Miami Beach. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) identified Ella Adler as the victim of the Key Biscayne boating accident.


>“Probably the biggest misunderstanding is they’re all homeless,” she said. “Instead, 76% are low-income elderly who worked their whole lives, are living on Social Security and are struggling.” >The newly named soup kitchen opened on St. Patrick’s Day 1982. It soon was serving an average of two dozen people, >“We thought this was a temporary fix — we never thought it would last,” Pieciak said. “Things were not good then, but they’re horrible today.” >The local influx of older patrons mirrors the situation statewide. According to “The State of Senior Hunger in America” report by the national hunger relief organization Feeding America, an estimated 8% of Vermont elders are considered “food insecure.” >“We know that inflation and the increase in food prices have hit people on fixed incomes hard,” said John Sayles, CEO of the Vermont Foodbank.

>Key federal agencies have resumed discussions with social media companies over removing disinformation on their sites as the November presidential election nears, a stark reversal after the Biden administration for months froze communications with social platforms amid a pending First Amendment case in the Supreme Court, a top senator said Monday. > >Mark Warner, D-Va., who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee, told reporters in a briefing at RSA Conference that agencies restarted talks with social media companies as the Supreme Court heard arguments in *Murthy v. Missouri*, a case that first began in the Fifth Circuit appellate court last July. The case was [fueled by allegations](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/07/04/biden-social-lawsuit-missouri-louisiana/) that federal agencies like the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency were coercing platforms to remove content related to vaccine safety and 2020 presidential election results. >Foreign adversaries have been found deploying [fake social media personas](https://www.nextgov.com/cybersecurity/2024/04/china-backed-operatives-used-fake-social-profiles-gauge-us-political-division-microsoft-says/395516/) that have engaged with or provoked real-life users in an attempt to assess U.S. domestic issues and learn what political themes divide voters. > >The U.S. has been putting its foot down in diplomacy talks on election interference, telling major economic adversaries like China to not intervene in election processes come November. Two weeks ago in Shanghai and Beijing, cyberspace and digital policy ambassador Nathaniel Fick and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken gave a stern warning to Chinese officials about election dynamics. > >“The secretary … delivered a very clear message that we view interference in our domestic democratic process as dangerous and unacceptable,” Fick said in a separate RSA briefing with reporters Monday. “Diplomacy is most important when it is most challenging, which is why the discussions with the Chinese at this moment matter a lot,” he said. ![xi](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/bfbbd83b-0958-404b-8528-5f5de7eab4e6.png "emoji xi") ![putin-wink](https://www.hexbear.net/pictrs/image/64acb6c6-0b6b-4cd8-97be-d7c367bb59bb.png "emoji putin-wink") Sounds like no more rubles or Xi bucks. Back to sharing one toothbrush no iphone 😂

Steve Buscemi, the renowned actor hailing from New York City, was randomly assaulted in Manhattan's Kips Bay area last week.


Article may cause a stir, so to avoid a flame war here is the last line in the article. > She was not formally charged for living in the space, police said

- Automaker is shifting its strategy for EVs as demand wanes - Suppliers in South Korea, China grapple with unsold inventory

California says restaurants must bake all of their add-on fees into menu prices
>Service charges; resort fees; "surcharge" add-ons: If you've been startled by unexpected fees when you pay your check at a restaurant — or book a hotel room or buy a ticket to a game, you're far from alone. But if you live in California, change is coming. A new state law requiring price transparency is set to take effect in July. >"The law is simple: the price you see is the price you pay," Attorney General Rob Bonta said on Wednesday, as his office issued long-awaited guidance about a law that applies to thousands of businesses in a wide range of sectors. >Restaurant owners like Laurie Thomas, who heads the Golden Gate Restaurant Association, say the changes will bring higher prices and sticker shock, which could then raise a psychological hurdle in customers' dining habits. That, in turn, will hurt restaurants and their workers, she warns. >"If it's in the core price of the menu, there will be a pullback" in patrons' spending, she told NPR shortly before the attorney general released the guidelines. "There are some people, I think, that are hoping that the restaurants will just absorb that cost, because we've seen people say, 'Oh, it's too expensive with the service charge.' " Restaurant Association head thinks it's perfectly OK to mislead customers into thinking that prices are lower than they actually are, and gouge them after they've consumed/used the product. Because having knowledge of true prices would cause some customers to make informed decisions that might hurt sales. What other product information could be withheld to boost sales? What product misinformation could be provided to get those customers to "yes"?

> The town reached out to Danielle SeeWalker in early January to offer the Lakota painter and muralist a studio and stipend, but backpedaled after residents complained about the politics of one of her paintings after it was posted to her Instagram. > > [...] > > Three days after the news release hit the town’s website, it was removed and replaced with a statement, emphasizing the fact that her art had turned from focusing on Native Americans to the crisis in Gaza. > > “I tried to explain my position, tried to understand more about the community’s concerns, but they just talked over me and ended the call,” SeeWalker said. The call lasted “a minute and a half, tops. And that was probably the most disappointing part of the whole thing,” she said. “The disrespect.” > > SeeWalker said she painted “G is for Genocide” in recognition of the parallels between the plight of Native Americans in the U.S. and the crisis in Gaza. > > “It’s about erasing a culture, about taking land. Me as an Indigenous person, this is what happened to my ancestors,” SeeWalker said. “The piece is not about taking sides, it’s about humanity, it’s about not destroying a culture and letting people live.” > > But she never had a chance to explain that, nor will she. The whole experience has soured her to the residency in Vail. “I was just blindsided. No chance to understand or explain. After that, even if they wanted to offer me a residency, I wouldn’t take it [Archive link](https://archive.ph/3fX1y)

> Mehdi’s Memo on the results of our new poll on Gaza and Iran

> Rep. Cory Mills errantly compared Biden’s action to the actions that prompted the first impeachment of Donald Trump.

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