• 122 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


I’m also in the tech industry and that’s not my experience.

1991 to 2024, I think the only other OS that has managed that is Windows.

Also the various BSD-based OSs. FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD etc. are still around, and MacOS is based on BSD too. And since BSD (1978) is a Unix, you can trace these all the way back to 1969.

It’s hilarious – and also a bit sad – that Tan and his ilk assume that someone must be paying me to write. They apparently cannot imagine any human motivation beyond money. It does not occur to them that a person could simply be inspired to action because they care about things like community, democracy and truth.

See also: “if people weren’t under threat of unemployment ruining their lives, they wouldn’t be motivated to work.” Many right-wingers seem to have no conception of being motivated to do something because it’s good to do.

I know. The concern is just that people will run from Biden to someone even worse, not realizing he is even more extreme in his support for Netanyahu. So it seems worth mentioning. I know there’s no ready answer. The electoral system leaves Americans no good options.

I don’t know. Why does Trump support it even more strongly?

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/16242061 > "This is not war, it is destruction that words are unable to express," said the father of two children killed in the Israeli strike.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/16202904 > The longstanding effort to keep extremist forces out of government in Europe is officially over. > > For decades, political parties of all kinds joined forces to keep the hard-right far from the levers of power. Today, this strategy — known in France as a *cordon sanitaire*(or firewall) — is falling apart, as populist and nationalist parties grow in strength across the Continent. > > Six EU countries — **Italy, Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia and the Czech Republic** — have hard-right parties in government. In **Sweden**, the survival of the executive relies on a confidence and supply agreement with the nationalist Sweden Democrats, the second-largest force in parliament. In the **Netherlands**, the anti-Islamic firebrand Geert Wilders is on the verge of power, having sealed a [historic deal](https://www.politico.eu/article/geert-wilders-grins-the-sun-is-going-to-shine-again-in-the-netherlands/)to form the most right-wing government in recent Dutch history. > > Meanwhile, hard-right parties are dominating the polls across much of Europe. In **France**, far-right leader Marine Le Pen’s National Rally is cruising at over 30 percent, far ahead of President Emmanuel Macron’s Renaissance party, according to [POLITICO’s Poll of Polls](https://www.politico.eu/europe-poll-of-polls/european-parliament-election/). Across the Rhine, Alternative for **Germany**, a party under [police surveillance](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-69003733) for its extremist views, is polling second, head-to-head with the Social Democrats.

How many times has this red line moved now? Or maybe it never really existed in the first place.

I think the point is just that young people don’t participate as much as they would because they don’t have the money for it. In previous decades young people had more money to spend.

Ok, Israel decapitated Palestinian babies and the media are not reporting it.

I’m not sure the choice between Bing or Google, two search engines controlled by giant corporations who make money from advertising, is enough of a choice for a truly free Internet. And as the Bing outage last week showed us, most other search engines are just Bing repackaged.

Lots of genuinely useful things and tangible improvements to look forward to on this list. What a contrast with Windows announcements these days, which are full of features that are either trivial or user-hostile.

I think once it has taken a profile of the voice it no longer requires you to be facing the person because it can now recognize that voice among the noise. The AI but is taking an imprint of the voice and then extracting it.

What’s especially troubling is that many human programmers seem to prefer the ChatGPT answers. The Purdue researchers polled 12 programmers — admittedly a small sample size — and found they preferred ChatGPT at a rate of 35 percent and didn’t catch AI-generated mistakes at 39 percent.

Why is this happening? It might just be that ChatGPT is more polite than people online.

It’s probably more because you can ask it your exact question (not just search for something more or less similar) and it will at least give you a lead that you can use to discover the answer, even if it doesn’t give you a perfect answer.

Also, who does a survey of 12 people and publishes the results? Is that normal?

What are the main problems of Matrix? I have searched around for this but not found anything concrete. I use Element with E2EE and haven’t had any real problems with it.

“Recall screenshots are only linked to a specific user profile and Recall does not share them with other users, make them available for Microsoft to view, or use them for targeting advertisements. Screenshots are only available to the person whose profile was used to sign in to the device,” Microsoft says.

It’s conspicuous that this statement talks only about the raw screenshots, not any data derived from them (such as aggregated data, inferred data, or even just slightly reprocessed data). So Microsoft could do any minor reworking of the data and send it off to the cloud for their own purposes, while technically complying with the above.

They’re not making YouTube videos because people prefer video instructions to text; they’re making them because they can make more money from YouTube than from text. I’m sure loads of people would prefer text.

However, the United States might also benefit from looking inward and possibly even learning from China. China’s ascent was driven by strict mandates and targets—strategies currently unfeasible in the United States due to a politically charged environment where lobby groups can easily overturn sound industrial policy following a change in administration.

That is unfortunate, as such mandates have proved effective; for example, the EU’s target for 25 percent of its critical minerals demand to be met through recycling by 2030 has significantly bolstered the industry.

All that oil lobbying and the regressive politics it promotes is now visibly harming the USA while other countries advance. It’s a failure across the (very narrow) US political spectrum, engendered by a corrupt system that serves entrenched business interests.

It looks like the USA is about to embark on another 4 years of reality denial and protectionism, after which it will be even further behind. Republicans have made it clear that they will make it as difficult as possible to run sustainable energy businesses while pushing hard for more fossil fuels. This will do not only environmental damage but also economic and political damage to the country.

cross-posted from: https://leminal.space/post/6656708 > Spain has refused permission for a ship carrying arms to Israel to dock at a Spanish port, its foreign minister, José Manuel Albares, said on Thursday. > > “This is the first time we have done this because it is the first time we have detected a ship carrying a shipment of arms to Israel that wants to call at a Spanish port,” he told reporters in Brussels. > > “This will be a consistent policy with any ship carrying arms to Israel that wants to call at Spanish ports. The foreign ministry will systematically reject such stopovers for one obvious reason: the Middle East does not need more weapons, it needs more peace.”

Outsmart them by breaking each bar in half. Now you have 20 bars without spending a penny more!

I’m already confused about their product naming, and they haven’t even launched any of these processors yet.

Once the company goes out of business (or they focus on a different business) they tell you to get your tires or they will be discarded if you don’t. So you have to get them from them and you stop paying for the storage.

That’s where there’s no analogy for media purchased through streaming services. When streaming services withdraw content, the analogy would be the tire shop sending you an email saying “Just so you know, we’re burning your tires next week. No, you can’t come and get them.”

If the backup HDD was the only copy, it was an archive and not a backup, and you also need backups of the archive.

The only difference between Steam and the streaming companies is that Steam seems to have managed to create a lasting profitable business. If this changed and Steam faced more challenges, they’d put the screws on the users just like the TV and music services do.

“Discretely” should be “discreetly”. One means “separately” and the other “unobtrusively”.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/15236948 > [Last week one was sentenced to 11 years](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/may/01/manahel-al-otaibi-saudi-arabia-womens-rights-activist-sentenced-11-years-prison-anti-terrorism-court), another had to flee the country, a third could be arrested at any moment. And what were Manahel, Maryam and Fawzia al-Otaibi’s ‘crimes’? **A few social media posts that outraged Saudi Arabia’s conservatives** > > *** > > In September 2022, Fawzia al-Otaibi was a week into a trip to her home country of [Saudi Arabia](https://www.theguardian.com/world/saudiarabia), staying with a friend near the Bahrain border, when her phone rang. As soon as she heard the male voice on the other end of the line, she realised that returning had been a terrible mistake. > > It was a police officer who, in 2019, had tracked her down and **fined her for public indecency after she had posted a video on her Snapchat account, showing her dancing in jeans and a baseball cap at a concert in Riyadh**. She and her two sisters, Maryam and Manahel, had become **targets in a campaign of arrests, threats and intimidation by the Saudi authorities** after they had used their popular social media channels to post about women’s rights. For her, the dancing clip wasn’t a political statement; it was just about sharing a happy moment with her followers. > > After the fine, Fawzia left Saudi Arabia for [Dubai](https://www.theguardian.com/world/dubai) and hadn’t been back to her home country in three years. She thought the authorities had forgotten about her. She was wrong.

Thank goodness these things aren’t confusingly named.

Yeah I find it impossible to program at 60fps.

Emacs is more of a religion.

Why does this article use the term “real ads” every time instead of just “ads”? Is this just weird or does it have a technical meaning?

At our small company many of us became more productive with working from home, to the point that they closed the office. A couple of people are finding it difficult because of their home situations, so it would be good still to have a space to work outside the home. But generally we’re getting more done these days, and most who do work that needs prolonged concentration find this more conducive to that.

It varies between different companies, teams, roles and temperaments. What Dell is doing sounds like corporate heavy-handedness.

Wtf sorry what??? This is a growing problem in America HOW, WHY???

Republicans will always undermine regulations, including regulations on child labor.


In Ohio, where Republican legislators are also proposing weaker laws, a spokesman for the Ohio Restaurant Association testified that extending work hours for minors would cut down on their screen time. (The lawmakers offered a concurrent resolution urging Congress to lower federal child-labor standards to conform with Ohio’s proposed rules.) Arkansas’s Republican governor, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, recently signed a law ending a requirement that fourteen- and fifteen-year-olds obtain a parent’s consent and a state permit before starting work. Linking the bill, strangely, to parental rights, the governor’s office called the permit “an arbitrary burden on parents.”

“People have to be able to talk about Palestine without being attacked by police,” says Orleck

It’s astonishing that in so many “free” countries this is even a risk.

I dunno, tunnel vision is when you can’t see outside the tunnel. The problem is you apparently can.

Edit: Oh, do they mean you can see into the tunnel? That sort of makes more sense.

and they agree to purge every trace and adherent of religion by whatever means necessary

Ah yes, a good old extermination of the wrong 'uns “by any means necessary” will certainly improve humanity like it always has done in the past.

Weird coincidence: Microsoft laid off their QA team too, and a few years later Windows feels buggier than ever.

tl;dw: x86 processors have been doing speculative execution of branches for years in an insecure way. New variants of the Spectre vulnerability keep being found and patches issued. Each patch reduces performance, and the performance reduction is cumulative. The video accuses Intel of adopting a fundamentally flawed architecture for the sake of pursuing performance, a cheat that they eventually got called out for. It’s not so much performance loss, the video claims, as performance that shouldn’t have been available in the first place in a secure design. (And AMD I guess cut some of the same corners to compete with Intel.)

For any x86 CPU these days you should not expect the performance shown in the initial reviews, because problems always come to light and get fixes that reduce it. It happens to AMD too, but Intel seem to be slightly worse for this.

If other systems have the same effect, it’s a problem with them too. But it’s still a problem with capitalism.

cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/8795973 > Archived copies of the article (podcast wrapper): [archive.today](Trump’s Bizarre Rants Over Wind Power Are More Ominous Than You Think) [web.archive.org](http://web.archive.org/web/20240419153558/https://newrepublic.com/article/180802/trumps-bizarre-rants-wind-power-ominous-think)

Israel kills dozens of academics, destroys every university in the Gaza Strip
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/13896072 > > Geneva - The Israeli army has killed 94 university professors, along with hundreds of teachers and thousands of students, as part of its genocidal war against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, ongoing since 7 October 2023, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said in a statement issued on Saturday > > > According to Euro-Med Monitor, the Israeli army has targeted academic, scientific, and intellectual figures in the Strip in deliberate and specific air raids on their homes without prior notice. Those targeted have been crushed to death beneath the rubble, along with members of their families and other displaced families.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/11001928 > Families were actively not informed of their loved ones deaths, and inmates were made to dig the holes and bury the bodies of the dead. This is getting massively underreported and happened earlier this month, I bet you haven't heard about it.