It’s about taking funds out of the entire system of public’s schools. First of all, I’m not comfortable with my tax dollars going to a private, for profit, institution instead of benefitting a system for everyone. Second, what do you think would happen if every child went to a different school district, especially in an underprivileged area? The underprivileged school, which is likely already dysfunctional in AZ, gets defunded. Students left there, who perhaps do not have an attentive guardian are stuck with an underfunded, extremely poor quality of education.
Idk about other states, but in the case of AZ, school choice is not working. The schools are getting worse.
I know what you’re talking about NY and red for Ed. Look, I don’t really like how unions works in this country. I do think public school teachers should be well paid and well incentivized. They are teaching the next generation after all.
Regardless of your opinion of what they should be paid, and how dysfunctional it may be, the NY public school system is SO much better than the one in AZ. I urge you to look up some articles on the topic. For example, teachers don’t even need a college degree in AZ! Based on my experience, the worst schools in NY are at least comparable, if not better than the best schools in AZ. I also do not believe public schools have a monopoly on education. There are still many very successful private schools in NY and many people send their kids their if they have the money. IMO, this is how it should be.
There is not a single “Pro US” belief. I would say most people on both sides of the political spectrum truly believe they are “Pro US.” Everyone has a different perspective on what is best for the country, and it really depends on what part of that country you’re from and what your priorities are.
In this context, I’m really not sure. Perhaps they meant they prioritizing American users? Perhaps they meant prioritizing the US economy on the global stage? I’m really not sure.
In any case, we are happy to have you here!