
I’m just a turtle drifting through space.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Dec 08, 2023

Matrix space changed name
We have changed the name of our matrix space to better reflect it's separate identity. Nothing was changed besides the name. Here is a link to our new matrix chat: https://matrix.to/#/#Autistic_nerd_hangout_verification:matrix.org Here’s a list of most Matrix clients: https://matrix.org/ecosystem/clients/

Does anyone have a copy of the compiling guide? it just points me to a 404 page.

Has anyone made a backup of the Linux building guide? it points me to a 404 page.

how about this? “Your posts must include a text body. It doesn’t have to be long, it just needs to be descriptive.”

we added that rule because some user were creating posts with just the title, that was confusing and hard to start a discussion over. It doesnt have to be an essay mind you it can be a short sentence describing your question/problem/resource.

New rule changes!
Please take your time familiarizing yourselves with the new rules. some redundant rules have been removed, some were merged, and rule "3) Your posts must include a text body." has been added. feel free to discuss the rule changes and ways you feel the rules could be improved under this post.

Explaining your question in the post would be a good idea.

Comment removed for endorsing drug usage.

It should be valid. maybe try this: #Verification-autism-lemmy.world:matrix.org

I do. any advice on how to deal with it?

We have a matrix space
We have a [chat room](https://matrix.to/#/#Verification-autism-lemmy.world:matrix.org) for the smallest of talks! Rather than using Discord, we are using Matrix, which is a FOSS equivalent. It’s pretty intuitive, so signing up shouldn’t be much of a hassle, but let me know if you have any difficulties. Here’s a list of most Matrix clients: https://matrix.org/ecosystem/clients/

I will also take mid-statement pauses to ensure I use the correct word I am feeling. This makes it look like my speech is discrete, while the general population’s speech is continuous.

in my verbal rhythm i also leave gaps sometimes.

if I recall he didn’t mention the Autism Speaks video, but her other videos on Autism. Sources should be in the bottom corner of the screen. here is the timestamp to that section: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDp3cB5fHXQ&t=2594s

I do it too, to try and balance my muscle strength.

I like to stim by tapping my feet.

sometimes i have no energy left after a day of overstimulation.

Gardening requires a lot of patience and care. maybe i will plant a small plant to improve my patience.

What are some good things that hapened to you this year?
I will start: I bought myself a few interesting books and i found motivation to start learning more about computers.

huh, you must really like cheese. 🧀 I also like it

I also enjoy some grilled cheese from time to time.

What is your comfort food?
Mine is: oatmeal with fruit, its just so easy to prepare.

How to keep myself working?
I have this huge desire to learn programming but its stopped by me not being able to sit down and say "now its studying time" any advice is appreciated.