I know this feels like an odd example, but I had heard one reason to favor GPL over AGPL is because GPL has been upheld so often in court. Here is an example of AGPL working as intended though.

  • Lengsel@latte.isnot.coffee
    1 year ago

    For real true freedom I like the ISC license for giving away source code.

    The constant argument about companies stealing source code is a cultural problem, not a license issue. Fix the social culture in society so people have ethical standards again, and companies will start to change their amoral behaviour. Not immoral, but amoral.

    GPL are fanatics who are leeches off of other peoples work to build anything. I have wondered if that’s why GPLv3 people have never built an operating system like BSD engineers and designers, only a collection of parts from different designers and made them come together.

    There is no operating system called GNU with a kernel and native format for installing software. There is no operating system called Linux with system libraries and a format to install software built into Liux natively.

    It’s like Stallman built the body of a care and ever dealt with the engine. Linus built an engine but didn’t know how to do anything with an engine like engineer the rest of the body.

    Each BSD is it’s own operating system with their own developers. A FreeBSD kernel can’t run OpenSD libraries.