
EDIT: no, I don’t sympathize with nazis (neither I sympathize with those who call everyone nazi when they’re losing an argument ;)

Nazi is a communist term for delegitimizing a legitimate sovereign nation. Cope with it. Churchill said so.

Lemmy.ml should be sent to purgatory.

I just block users or communities if they become problematic. I enjoy being exposed to different opinions but I’m not interested in childish BS or low effort, intentionally contrarian posts

Isn’t dbzer0 defederated from a bunch? That kinda sucks.

The funniest part is when two instances federate, but the userbases of both instances want to defederate with each other immediately afterwards lol.

personally i want to kiss the liberals with tongue, while they call me a tankie

I want to smooch every person who calls me a liberal

you are completely free to discuss with tankies all you want, even if instances defederate (for example, you could make an account on their instance)

i already understand them and i dont give a fuck about discussing in an online forum

Commienazi troll instances (hexbear, lemmygrad) should be blocked by the default. Their users are unhinged and spend time harassing people.

we’re unhinged, but I don’t know what a “commienazi” is supposed to be. kind of sounds like a contradiction.

What is Nazi about hexbear? Seriously just making up stuff now


I said commienazi, hexbear falls under the commie part. You’re just too annoying. You don’t have an off switch, you declared yourself the Lemmy speech police. You’re the loser nerd hall monitor type. You’re also fragile and can’t bear any disagreement. It’s like, a person disagrees on a leftist issue like do non binary genders exist (a matter of sociological theory) and should underaged people be given puberty blockers (a matter so controversial some countries are reviewing the practice) you’ll swoop in and declare them Nazis who need to die immediately.

This is why there are many who think your entire instance is an elaborate troll run from some bizarre Discord server, you all fit the annoying blue-haired leftist stereotype too exactly.

radiofreeval [she/her]

From zero to transphobia in two posts! This looks like a new world record from @frosch@lemm.ee! The crowd is going wild. Of course, they did get some heat into their bigotry tyres during their warmup lap where they aced the Holocaust trivilization coner, which put them on a perfect line to hug the apex of transphobe’s chicaine and finished with the classic blue haired leftist move.

ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]

you all fit the annoying blue-haired leftist stereotype too exactly

I didn’t realize we’d gone through a time portal to 2015 lmao

Although I suppose that’s less important right now than all the beeping coming from this when you talk about nonbinary people hitler-detector

Way to prove my point. Yes, you found me out I am a huge Nazi. Now what? What exactly will you do?

Hopefully defed from your instance

He literally baited you to respond exactly as you did. While I’m not a communist, that was smart and you are dumb to not have seen that…

Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]

Yeah, they really showed that we will call someone a Nazi after they come out of the gate equating us to Nazis and then start saying transphobic shit and going off about blue-haired SJWs, we’re so owned by this, somehow.

But I am a Nazi, here I am at my computer just Nazying away.


Citation needed

Adkml [he/him]

Boy calling us nazis to saying non binary people just have a mental illness in one fucking comment.

You libs really fucking love telling on yourself.


Never said that non binary people are mentally ill. But this kind of uncharitable reading is common with your hexbear assholes and reason enough for the rest of Lemmy to defederate from you.

Also, oh no – I’m a “lib.” So I’m the same thing that 99.99999999% of Western people are. How horrible, how damning, however shall I live with myself now that some shut-in 22-year-old called me a lib. Get a grip.

But this kind of uncharitable reading is common with your hexbear assholes

some shut-in 22-year-old called me a lib

Commienazi troll instances (hexbear, lemmygrad)

You literally called us Nazis in your top level comment you fucking moron.

It’s like, a person disagrees on a leftist issue like do non binary genders exist (a matter of sociological theory)

Go ahead and tell all the non binary people that they actually don’t exist, it’s just all sociological. Is this the new “it’s all in your head” stuff they used to tell gay kids back in the day?

Not even going to get started on the transphobia in your comment, trans kids shouldn’t get the medical treatment now because some countries are banning it. Great logic, it’s not like countries have ever prescribed incorrect medical treatment to LGBT people before. Alan Turing? Who’s that again?

What the hell is wrong with artificial hair colours? I’d never dye my hair an unnatural colour myself, but it’s a cool look on some people. What is the “blue haired leftist stereotype?” Is it some right wing American meme?

Of course it’s all sociopsychological. It’s an identity. Like nationality and ethnicity it’s a matter of social practice, not biology or genetics. As such it’s very much in the realm of things which are debatable. Are are you claiming otherwise?

Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
Personally, I'm of the opinion that men don't exist. All "men" are just NBs doing it for attention.

(apologies to trans men for this bit)

And? How does that make non-binary gender any less real? Which is what you implied with your original comment, by asking if it exists or not.

Many things are matters of social practice, doesn’t make them any less real.


It’s real insofar as there are people who subscribe to the idea and practice it. In the same way that Christianity or Wicca are real. The debate isn’t about this.

But because it is real in this way, it’s also real that there are people who don’t believe than one can be non-binary. There is more than one schema for gender currently in Western society, and these schemas are in competition for instance the traditional binary vs various different non-binary conceptions vs so-called “truscum” vs xenogender…

We know that gender itself as a matter of social practice (the work of second-wave feminists proves this definitively) so therefore all gender schemas are subject to social debate.

Expect, and this is where the crux is, that some (but not all) trans and non-binary activists are now claiming that gender identity is innate (while gender remains a social construct) and that in fact it is sex which is arbitrary and that in fact it takes a whole team of medical personnel to ascertain sex (the so-called “assigned at birth” model).

The broader point I am making is that because current Western gender schemas are in such flux, you can’t simply say that someone is Nazi just because they subscribe to a different schema than you do.

The debate isn’t about this.

You’re right. It’s about whether nonbinary people and trans people in general deserve rights and social validation. Which they do. End of discussion.

In the same way that Christianity or Wicca are real

it’s also real that there are people who don’t believe than one can be non-binary

So if someone holds the view that they don’t believe it’s possible for a person to be a Christian even though there’s millions of people that call themselves Christian do you think that means the question of whether or not there are people that are Christian is up for debate? That’s insane.

Holy fuck, it seems like there are only 2 extreme opposite sides and both are full of shit, clowns and morons. Why can’t we just have some middle ground?

I know right? It’s like, I don’t think nonwhites are inferior, but I also don’t think free markets are a viable means to solve the social evils of bigotry, war, and environmental devastation. If only there was a political camp for me!

There is no such thing. That’s like asking to only kill half a person to meet in the middle.

Why are people this days totally incapable of understanding what moderation means?

There’s some truth to this “mind Virus” idea.

Moderation doesn’t mean “I would only like half the holocaust” - it means understanding that not every single thing everyone who claims to align with your politics does is “good”, and that people who have an different suggestion for how to solve a problem aren’t “evil”.

Politics has gotten crazy and comments like yours really don’t help


Because it requires nuance and that just too big of sacrifice to make when you have to be right about everything.

neither I sympathize with those who call everyone nazi when they’re losing an argument ;)

Oh hey, look, it’s the same thought terminating argument that the alt-right uses to whitewash Nazis!

Hey look its the same thought terminating argument tankies use when they want to bring about purges for “wrong think”.

ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]

It’s so cute when one of you is obviously just pulling out whatever scary Orwell words you remember from 8th grade english class

Funny how one instance is the one everyone wants to defederate from.

UnicodeHamSic [he/him]

We understand what we are.

When everyone you meet is an asshole, you are probably the real asshole.

Funny how this works with social media as well.

Says person calling people assholes.

“you say you don’t like intolerance and yet that sounds like intolerance to me”

*smug face*


Currently. Of course in the past it was exploding heads for being Nazis, Lemmygrad for being insufferable tankies, then Burggit for lolicon, now hexbear for being insufferable tankies.

Heck I think Lemmygrad is more tolerable than Hexbear, by a lot.


Do they allow downvotes? Hexbear doesn’t which means everything they disagree with gets a reply with a handful of large emoji.

They do. See https://lemmygrad.ml and see how almost every post has some downvotes. IMO this does make the posting culture there better.

deleted by creator

Flinch [he/him]

people hate getting called out for their terrible opinions shrug-outta-hecks

Lol is that why hexbear is defederating from so many instances?

UnicodeHamSic [he/him]

They hate us for being right

Zuberi 👀

Any instance not arguing in good faith gets removed normally.

Why so much drama over fed or defed, just change instances if you don’t agree with your admin


I think where that falls down is if a big community is in X instance, the instance admins have control over that instance

Doesn’t matter what instance you switch to if the communities you participate in are under that instance’s control

Not saying that’s a huge problem yet but it could turn into one and then we get powermods all over again

You’re right of course, but it’s still something that the fediverse is trying to figure out.

Basically This

Excellent! It’s exactly what the Dem leadership does 85% of the time (10% starting off just as awful as the GOP and 5% of the time actually holding firm on the only just course of action)!

MF_COOM [he/him]

geordi-no defederate to maintain your very special echo chamber

geordi-yes defederate to stop sh.tjust.works chuds from harassing your comrades in DMs with violent, transphobic and ableist attacks


What did we do?


other way around, buddy


Are you saying Nazis shouldn’t be killed?


fuck 'em

But! The problem comes from labelling everyone a nazi because they disagree with you. I’ve been called a nazi many times by tankies and even other users. Do you think I should be killed?

If you’re pulling the trigger on Nazis I hope you never guess wrong

Brejela the Purple

Nazis do not deserve to live. I don’t see the problem.


Too right on that one…

except you can’t just label everyone you don’t like a nazi.

Many instances have shit like hexbear federated, but have explicit rules on the side saying “no tankie shit”. make it make sense.

easy solution: your definition of tankie shit is so incredibly broad that it includes anything to the left of the US Democratic party

I don’t know what to tell you; the tankies are right.

stop being anticommunists and this problem is resolved

Stop being antisocial



Literally same thing lol

Tankies aren’t real Communists

Sucking the dick of authoritarian regimes does not make you communist

But I hate the United States

Fair enough

I support whatever this is so idk what that makes me

Celebrating an increase in life expectancy from 30 to 40 years old is not remotely the win you think it is.

My god he can’t read a graph. How has our educational system been allowed to fail for this long?

I’m not committed at all to China as the salvation of the communist project, but it’s exactly this sort of self-imposed illiteracy and ignorance, and nearly religious faith in the inferiority and duplicity of The Orient that makes me default to distrusting anything negative a cracker says about it.

let’s skip to the end of the discussion: I say “that’s not anything like what I said.” you say “yes but you believe those statistics are true???” I say “do you have any good evidence that they’re fabricated, and that the life expectancy in China is actually still hovering around 40?” you beg the question, possibly implying that Chinese people are inherently untrustworthy, and accuse me of supporting genocide. There is nothing I can say to you that will instill an ounce of critical thinking ability in you.


Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]

I’m celebrating the increase in life expectancy from 35 to higher than that of the US, actually, which is the win I think it is.

The point is not the immediate increase in that specific 5 year period, the point is the clear trend of rapid, long term increases after a long period of stagnation, with the pivitol turning point being exactly when the CPC came to power. You’re supposed to look at the whole graph.

China never manipulates data coming out of their authoritarian country so good thing we can trust it. I’m sure their life expectancy is great with all their industrial pollution that regularly causes smog in their inner cities.

Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]

Here is my source do you have a source that disputes that? Or is your belief based entirely on unfalsifiable faith?

Also curious if you think Chinese life expectancy is still like 35 or what lmao

You may also be interested in what the World Bank, that infamous communist propaganda rag, has to say:

Over the past 40 years, the number of people in China with incomes below $1.90 per day – the International Poverty Line as defined by the World Bank to track global extreme poverty– has fallen by close to 800 million. With this, China has contributed close to three-quarters of the global reduction in the number of people living in extreme poverty.

Real Communism exists only in the pure and untouched ethereal plane of your mind palace.

Real communism also only exists within the walls of the Kremlin.


It’s nice and warm in there, I like it

Why does it always go to homophobia with these types

Idk where the homophobia is, I’m partial to sucking the odd dick myself, just not Mao Zedong or Vladimir Putin :p

“umm actually I used it as an insult because it’s a good thing!”

How do you people survive the cognitive dissonance necessary to convince yourself you’re not being bigoted?

“you people”?

Besides, I’m not bigoted because I disagree with your ideology, my way of pointing that out may have been hyperbolic but certainly not bigoted

Yeah, you people, people who used homophobic insults about dick sucking but insist it’s ok because they’re gay/bi/have an LGBT friend.

I agree that you’re not bigoted because you disagree with our ideology, but you are definitely bigoted for using bigoted insults to point it out.

Heaven forbid an actually existing place on the planet actually make some real tangible gains for its people while necessarily suppressing threats

There’s “threats” and there’s “anyone remotely criticising the regime”

There are some tangible gains in these places but also significant losses for the freedoms and rights of their residents

They don’t/didn’t suppress criticism, that’s a myth

Careful calling those regimes authoritarian. Hexbears like to attack this point by assigning a slightly different definition to authoritarian and then either (a) claim that all governments are “authoritarian” or (b) blame liberals for using this word to demonize socialist states. I once saw someone cite https://en.prolewiki.org/wiki/Authoritarianism to “prove” that those states are not authoritarian.

Ah yes, doge-firefox, please tell me how consistent your beliefs are lmao

Did you just ad hominimem this poor LIB ?

I strawmanned ad hominined logical fallacied all over them.

Not by “assigning a slightly different definition”, just by applying the definition consistently, rather than using the us-foreign-policy standard.

It’s worse than just that. They argue that acknowledgement of Stalin’s atrocities is Holocaust denial.

They are so scared and insecure they will lash out against anything that slightly challenges their beliefs. If they post sources it will be misreadings of fringe groups, or conveniently ignoring facts. Like how they believe tiananmen square wasn’t a big deal because the China killed about 300 people a mile away. Or how Cuba is a utopia even though it’s citizens chose to get run over by the coast guard instead of living there.

brain_in_a_box [he/him]

As ever, actual Jewish Holocaust scholars agree with us


They argue that acknowledgement of Stalin’s atrocities is Holocaust denial.

No, we argue that equating the bad things the soviet union did to the holocaust is holocaust trivialization, which is a take from mainstream liberal historians. Because the bad things the soviet union did were tiny compared to the holocaust and pretty tame compared to the other Allies.

uralsolo [he/him]

Today is September 3, 2023 and Joseph Stalin saved the world from fascism.

Hell yeah there’s that lib homophobia, 1 milimeter below the surface at all times

I’m bi but no go ahead, call me a homophobe for making a dick joke :p

ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]

Then you should know better than to be homophobic as a substitute for saying anything interesting. Self-reflection would probably help you to not embarass yourself in the future.


Damn, guess I’m straight now

Oh wait, no

uralsolo [he/him]

Which Communist regimes would say are the “real” communists? Because if you think (as many do) that every single mass movement that described itself as “communist” was bad, then I suspect you’re not a communist at all.

I’m not communist, but I do observe that many of the existing “communist” states seem to be just authoritarianism disguised as the common good

All nation states are authoritarian disguised as the common good.

yeah, exactly. which raises the question of why china specifically infuriates certain people to the exclusion of all other discussion.

Communism is the very definition of failure. How anybody could be simple enough to think that bullshit could ever be valid is shocking to me.

AlpineSteakHouse [any]

That’s it, I’m defederating Lemmy.ml for this slight.

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