I’m guessing the Tetris community doesn’t think too much of this game, but I loved Tetrisphere. It was so cool! I guess it’s not included in this, though… :-(
I’m guessing the Tetris community doesn’t think too much of this game, but I loved Tetrisphere. It was so cool! I guess it’s not included in this, though… :-(
I mean, the framerate alone… Bad yikes.
Oh, nice. That’s encouraging!
One of the YouTube comments saids it’s a former mobile game. I agree it looks good, but I’m definitely going to wait for some trustworthy reviews first…
Dude, Captain America ain’t got SHIT on when that Martian finally goes “Ack!”
Excited about this!!
Has he said what’s next…?
Every time I see a Dragon Quest trailer, I’m reminded how lucky we were that the composer for the series was convinced to let them include actual real-life, modern, symphonic recordings of the music for DQIX instead of the dinky computer shit he insists on using.
My hover bike always tilts to the side… B-
Huh… At first I thought it was going to be a music game. Butt it’s fine type of Limbo/Inside/Cocoon-inspired puzzle game? Interesting.
Neat idea, but the gameplay seems like it’d be shallow. I’d be interested to read some reviews, though…
Was that really Switch footage?!
Stardew Valley! My wife (who is normally not a gamer) and I have put 100+ hours into our splitscreen co-op game. It’s very, very fun. :-)
Honestly, though, your list represents hundreds of hours of gaming. So unless you put in some major hours on the reg, I would just focus on what you have instead of what you want to add.
I’ve played MK8D a lot but only casually. I’m ignorant to all this.
When you say characters and parts were buffed, does that mean everyone is slightly faster/better but to different degrees…?
Ha! I’ve never heard of this before, but it looks pretty fun.
If you haven’t played it, “Stardew Valley” is, like, ruin-your-life good. And I think part of what makes it so faith assuring and life uplifting is that it was made by one dude who has continuously (for YEARS) released huge, free updates for the game. He’s awesome. It feels good supporting him and recommending such a great game to people. :-)