I use bluetooth earbuds for work - I used wired buds up until this job, but I ended up constantly ripping them out of my ear by accident, UUUUGGGGHHHHHH. But I would still be using wired if I could. My husband also uses wireless earbuds at work, but needs a headphone jack to play music through his ancient work truck. He had an adapter while he had a phone w/o a jack, but then he couldn’t charge his phone while listening to music. I know there are splitters out there, but we didn’t end up buying one, and he just replaced his phone with a new one that includes a headphone jack.
Canceled Netflix because they finally kicked my friends off, might get it again for 1 month at a time, here and there. I get Disney for a few months for my brother’s bday, we catch up on whatever came out in the past year. My mom shares her Peacock with me. I got a year sub to Dropout, and share it with 2-3 friends. We stay subbed to Hulu and HBO pretty much all the time, and we get Paramount a couple months a year. We have Prime, but I’m probably going to cancel it soon.