oh shit, i see now. says John but this is a photograph of Paul McCartney. also its difficult to get jelly in the uk
wow, i get emotional about it [because it wasnt a great experience for me – and its a microcosm for everything wrong with society] but im fine and youre gonna be fine, 😊
yo, trans girl here.
i just want to plug estradiol-only here. i use patches because they are the smoothest on my levels. i used to take Spiro but it fucked up my kidneys and i started passing out in the heat. turns out in europe they dont use it over health concerns ( and possible breast growth inhibition). so yeah
who are these?
someone gets it!
*in church
with MagicSetEditor a similar problem. i manually installed the fonts to, uh, somewhere
i dont obey bullshit signs. like there are still signs demanding i wear mask in a restaurant, but nobody cares.
its a diff story if someone gives me a hard time: `sure if it|l make you shut up´
least funny meme of 2017