This is what happens when the bard rolls a nat 1 perception check while making his album covers.
This is what happens when the bard rolls a nat 1 perception check while making his album covers.
It’s all crash fixes for anyone who doesnt want to read the notes.
Seems like this game is determined to copy the avengers game.
Play as a gloomstalker assassin fighter 5/5/2.
You can solo the game with that build easily.
Yeah, pigs don’t like to be corrected. Or made to look like they don’t know what they’re doing.
If you want to really sound like a spanish speaker say it like hijueputas. In english I’d transcibe it like ee-hway-POO-tahs. It sounds way more rude like that.
This study considers me monolingual since I never learned my second language in a classroom and. I learned it as an adult. So…I guess fluency doesn’t count. Que grosero.
Ada Lovelace most likely
The delay also does not trigger just once; it is reportedly triggered every time YouTube links are opened in a new tab.
This part got me yesterday as I was listening to music. I loaded a new video in a tab and the other tab waited 5 seconds. I thought I had paused it or something but nope, every time you load a new tab it delays all the other tabs by 5 seconds.
Hilarious is one word I wouldn’t use to describe a company offloading their AI training to users.
I’m pretty sure this is what he means. It’s like first impressions with people. You only get one shot. Yes, you can improve the initial release to be playable and amazing but people will remember you put out a shit game to start with and that alienates people.
Preach Gaben!
Every piece of news I read about D4 makes me so happy I listened to my gut and didn’t buy it. Sucks that Blizzard is still pulling the wool over people’s eyes.
He won’t though. He’ll say something like “now is not the time for changes as we are at war”.
deleted by creator
‘Member when the game let you unlock characters for free by playing it. Those were the days.
swivel the faucet into the middle position and dispense water directly onto your floor
Or directly into a bucket.
I’ve put 600 hours into it and I still find some stuff that I hadn’t yet. It deserves every award.
Does a reboot fix the issue? Seems like it’s recognizing something as a phone number which isn’t a phone number. A reboot might reset whatever daemon is causing the issue.