It is and it shouldn’t be
It is and it shouldn’t be
Fuck making jokes about sexual assault on men tbh. Haha funny she mutilated his genitals
Pretty sure ACARS doesn’t include [X is typing] messages
The fact that they’re normalized is exactly the trauma I’m talking about, it IS incredibly messed up!
How did the active shooter drills for students help that? Tbh they may have helped cause the ideation.
Lockdown drills possibly for staff I can maybe get on board with, but for students? The universal trauma is IMHO not worth the off chance that it helps in a (still extremely rare) active shooter scenario
Do you have evidence of them being useful?
Logic won out, understanding that blasting kids with scary media constantly was impacting their mental health negatively. Almost like we also shouldn’t be doing things like freaking kids out with useless shooter drills too…
I hate how people mix up correlation and causation with JC Penney and it’s couponless trial. It was ALREADY very much a failure when it decided to try removing coupons - that’s why they tried it. It didn’t make enough of a difference to pull them out of the nosedive they were in.
It’s not that not doing coupons doesn’t work, it just didn’t save a failing business.
This has been the case since SATA revision 3.3, released Feb 2016. So while I may have exaggerated with “ancient”, a brand new PSU certainly shouldn’t still be feeding 3.3v to that pin.
Likely changing the “active” flag or boot stuff, but as the other commenter says, if you aren’t 100% confident, disconnect the scsi
I have done this with dozens of drives and have never had to do any pin blocking. You only need to do that if you’re using an absolutely ancient sata power cable that doesn’t know about the spinup pin change
Not impossible at all, but there would be similar judder without some compensation. It’s pretty normal for 144hz monitors to support being driven at 60fps, but it’s pretty abnormal for a 60hz monitor to advertise 48 or 24fps via edid. Most modern 60+hz TVs are perfectly capable of doing so, though.
Either way, that’s one reason I’m very happy with the 240hz wave that seems to be going on. You can display 24 and 60 fps content simultaneously with no judder, as well as even higher frame rate content.
That combined with the popularity of VRR and free/g sync makes me even more optimistic for people to see just about everything the way it was meant to be seen
One of the big benefits of 144 and 120 over 60hz display is actually how well they render lower frame rate content. Watching a 24fps (so cinematic!) movie on a 144hz ``display results in a new frame every 6 refreshes (or 5 for 120hz). With a 60hz display, you get an new frame every 2.5 refreshes. Generally this results in judder where every other frame is displayed for longer than the others
Would love to see a movie mastered in 1kfps though lol
That’s my absolute #1 wish for jf. I’m sure it’s hard work and people are on it, it excites me to think about
VP9 has pretty wide support, probably due to the Google (and YouTube) backing. I sincerely doubt devices will phase out any codecs, especially not VP9.
AMD video cards have supported hardware decoding of VP9 since vcn1.0 - well before they had support for decoding AV1
AV1 and VP9 are likely going to be your highest efficiency “free” codecs. AV1 is the way to go if you mean free as in free open source. It’s not very likely to be implemented in many TVs or set-top-boxes, but VLC/ffmpeg will be able to decode any of these. Webm uses vp8 or VP9 which are “free”(made by Google) but it’s just more specific settings for sharing online/viewing in browser.
H264/H265 has license fees for non-free software and hardware, but they will be your most widely supported option. H265 is approximately twice as efficient as h264 (meaning you can get the same quality of encode from half the file size).
Regardless of preset I think you can get handbrake to encode something reasonable from any of these codecs. Especially with DVD video you’ll be able to crank through videos with modern high efficiency codecs
It certainly is. ISO 27001 is a framework, not very prescriptive at all. Basically an auditor will ask “how do you ensure data isn’t leaving your facility in the form of discarded hardware?” If you say “here’s a link to our media destruction policy. It says all drives are wiped according to NIST 800-88 cryptographic erasure. If that is not possible or not applicable, the drive is destroyed. Here’s our log of decomissioned equipment” chances are very good they’ll say “OK great let’s move on to the next one” with only minor followup questions.
“Responsible reporting” is for security vulnerabilities… It’s extremely hard for me to believe that jailbreaks like this should be considered security vulnerabilities, especially if it’s something local-only or otherwise limited to something only the owner of the device would feasibly be able to do.
Does anyone believe the portable is actually a more secure device now than it was before this patch?
Humors a valid coping mechanism, but normally not when the victim is the butt of the joke. The post just leaves the same bad taste in my mouth as rape jokes.
Sorry to ruin anyone’s fun but it just comes across as gross to me and generally shows a lack of empathy