You can also just selfhost Firefox sync!
You can also just selfhost Firefox sync!
Proper precautions and monitoring.
But it just downloads to disk, you cannot click “play” in the app, finishing an episode doesn’t make it as watched, you do not retain the ability to “continue” playing,…
Why not? Have had it accessible via the Internet for 4+ years without incidents
Fuck off troll.
Literally every single German old enough to remember life in the DDR that I know (which aren’t exactly few - I am German) recounts that time with terror.
In my entire life, I have not met a single person alive back then who wants to go back to the DDR. There’s no notalgia, only painful memories.
In that case I can really highly recommend it. Nixos on the server is fantastic anyways, and the only hurdle to recommending simple-nixos-mailserver is that most people are not familiar with nix… 😄
It’s a bit unconventional maybe, but I vote simple-nixos-mailserver
- IF you are curious / willing to learn nix. It’s essentially just sanely configured dovecot, postfix, rspamd.
My config for those three combined is about 15 lines, and I have never had an issue with them. Slap on another 5-10 lines for Roundcube as a webmail client.
Since it’s Nix, everything is declarative, so should SOMETHING happen to the server, you can be up and running again super quickly, with the exact same setup.
Yep, that’s right. In theory you could share the encrypted DB with the public and not degrade security. (Still don’t do that though…)
We were talking about SwiftKey
Who knows?
Unless a piece of software is open source, you cannot know.
Fail2ban allows you set different actions for different infringements, as well as multiple ones. So in addition to being put in a “local” jail, the offending IP also gets added to the cloudflare rules (? Is that what its called?) via their API. It’s a premade action called “cloudflare-token-multi”
A high-quality laptop without any branding.
I’m currently using a 9-year-old, woefully underpowered laptop made by Xiaomi. Full aluminium unibody, and NO logo. Not printed on, not etched in, not glistening only in the right light. NO LOGO.
I’m not a billboard. I’m not responsible for your brand recognition. Ironically though, far more people have come up to me and asked “hey, what laptop is that” than ever would have cared if there was a logo on it.
It also just looks and feels fantastic, all-aluminium-no-logo just looks so sleek.
So yeah. I will not be upgrading until I find another laptop of the same build quality, with no logo. Tuxedo has that option for most of their laptops, but for some reason not for their only current full-aluminium body -.-
Oh, and don’t come at me with stickers.
I switched a couple of months ago, from SwiftKey. Had been using that for ever, long before Microsoft bought it.
NGL, the transition was a bit rough, and the first month my error rate spiked. All good now though, plus Futo has a bunch of super useful features SK never had. Overall, very happy.
We expose about a dozen services to the open web. Haven’t bothered with something like Authentik yet, just strong passwords.
We use a solid OPNSense Firewall config with rather fine-grained permissions to allow/forbid traffic to the respective VMs, between the VMs, between VMs and the NAS, and so on.
We also have a wireguard tunnel to home for all the services that don’t need to be available on the internet publicly. That one also allows access to the management interface of the firewall.
In OPNSense, you get quite good logging capabilities, should you suspect someone is trying to gain access, you’ll be able to read it from there.
I am also considering setting up Prometheus and Grafana for all our services, which could point out some anomalies, though that would not be the main usecase.
Lastly, I also have a server at a hoster for some stuff that is not practical to host at home. The hoster provided a very rudimentary firewall, so I’m using that to only open necessary ports, and then Fail2Ban to insta-ban IPs for a week on the first offense. Have also set it up so they get banned on Cloudflare’s side, so before another malicious request ever reaches me.
Have not had any issues, ever.
Yeah, +1.
I’ve been an avid fan of applocation launchers like rofi and dmenu on the desktop forever, and the “swipe down and immediately search” feels as close as it can get to the mobile equivalent of those.
When I first switched to nix, I made an error copy-pasting my hashed password into a secrets file.
Reninstalled the system 5 times, each time immediately locking myself out, almost
Managing ~35 machines without issues now though.
Might even be worth checking if has a straight-up fix for the issue.
I usually do, I promise. Anyways, that was 6 years ago. We’re stil going strong, making the most of life in this universe :)
You can also selfhost sync!