• 35 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 04, 2023


Commercial transactions -

Aaah, the kind of transaction that most transactions are?

Operated by providers

Aah, so any business which accept crypto must KYC every one of their customers. This makes accepting crypto especially burdensome, which is half the point of this legislation in the first place.

So non-commercial transations are fine, as are crypto transactions to non-custodial wallets.

Unless you’re using the wallet to buy or sell something. You know, the thing people use money for.

Why does the government need to have every transaction reported to them? Crime is bad because it causes harm. If harm is being caused, that means a person or entity is causing that harm. That means there is evidence. Follow that.

Police have more surveillance and crime-detecting tools than at any point in human history. Nearly every category of crime, particularly violent crime, is on a decades-long downtrend. We all travel with GPS monitors in our pockets. We all use credit cards instead of cash. We all are recorded by CCTV 90% of the places we go. We don’t need to give them more financial surveillance because ‘crime’.

How to contact your MEP: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/portal/en/contact Source: https://snort.social/nevent1qqsvcedd6dg39eh6633uqqff0p9h2zqyhu3zd6kwyyhzqj7da02x4pszyqe2wpknmwkyd0t295d5ezvtaxr00ngxjtcfuct8pfvyec3snckpwqcyqqqqqqgz2f7lp

There’s lots of people who use the dollar and other currencies I don’t like. But I still use the currency. Bitcoin has faithfully kept its fiscal policies and promises for 15 years. It’s money whose supply can’t be diluted through inflation. You can be your own bank. That has never changed. Whatever it originally promised, it’s still doing.

Yep. Unfortunately both the left and right in the US seem to have free speech in their crosshairs one way or another. The right with “don’t say gay”, their book bans, and war on drag, the left with the TikTok ban, wanting the government to be able to define and regulate “misinformation” on social media, etc. The long-term protectors of free speech like the ACLU have even done a pivot away from free speech cases because they perceive them as unpopular.

China did that. We criticized them for it. Now we’re turning around and doing it. “We should get to do it because insert dictator here does it” isn’t a great argument.

I joined this instance at random, look at my history if you think I’m a tankie.

“You can’t use this at work” and “You can’t use this ever” are very different things.

Look up a network map of lightning, it’s not centralized at all. Payments typically route through multiple hubs, just as many Bitcoin nodes may be involved in processing a main chain transaction. Anyone can run a lightning node, and you can choose which nodes you want to use, if you want. There are thousands of them to pick from.

The lightning channels are secured by the main chain. There is no centralized party who can rug you.

Except it’s not, it’s an ad platform.

Right. So if they sell ads on it, it’s not a speech platform right? Reddit, not a speech platform? The Washington Post? The Guardian? Lemmy, when lemmy instances start running ads, Not a speech platform? Gmail? Not a speech platform?

Nope, absolutely incorrect, it is indeed just a company being banned.

It’s not. This isn’t a company that sells cars, they provide an online speech platform. It’s my ability to use the speech platform that gets banned in the process. They can ban TikTok from being able to “do business” in the US, that is different from pulling it from the app store or installing a great firewall to prevent US citizens from accessing their site. And frankly, “doing business” has been an inherent part of speech platforms for decades, selling advertising on speech platforms is how they can exist, all the way back to the days of newspapers and radio.

Except they already made Oracle handle all that and they can easily legislate privacy protections without banning TikTok entirely. And, again, it is my right as a citizen to install whatever app I want even if it is spying on me, just like the rest of my apps do. I could film every second of my life and put it up on Facebook or a personal website and the Chinese government could watch it and there’s not a damned thing the US government can do about it.

Good point. We are all vulnerable to manipulation and should only read content that is approved by the US Govt. Anybody who breaks this rule should go to jail. That is for our safety ✅

If China is going prevent US companies from doing profitable business within its economic borders I don’t see why the US should allow Chinese companies to engage in profitable businesses ventures within its country.

  1. They get to do whatever they want because they’re a dicatorship. 2. We aren’t talking about oil extraction or car sales here, we’re talking about something which is explicitly a speech platform. They are different.

It’s not just a “company” being banned, it’s the government telling you that you can’t use that companies services for your speech. Imaging the US government banning the The Guardian because it’s not owned by US citizens. That’s the same thing as banning TikTok because it’s not owned by US Citizens. The government has no right to ban newspapers or websites which are otherwise engaging in legally-protected speech. You have a right to hear what they have to say.

They are all examples of speech platforms the government targeted because they disagreed with what they were publishing. Because of the precedent set in those situations, the government has even more latitude to prosecute even more speech they don’t agree with. The basis of the TikTok ban is literally it’s “foreign propaganda”. Propaganda is just “stuff the government doesn’t want you to hear”. The right to hear things the government doesn’t want you to hear is one of the most basic rights of human expression. Not just in the US, but in the UN Charter on human rights as well.

Fear of “foreign influence”? You would find that exact argument being made by the Soviet Union to block US films and books in their country. You would find that exact argument being used in China to block internet access. You would find that exact argument being made in Iran to stop the discussion of homosexuality.

The govt can do anything it wants to punch back so long as it’s not infringing on the rights of its citizens. Our plan to stop China from “influencing us” is to… become more like China?

Who are they worried China is going to influence? Children, right? If it’s adults, that’s almost more insulting, they think we don’t deserve to be able to see all sides of an argument and are too stupid to discern fact from fiction. We may as well dispense with free expression entirely at that point because the government can just say “you’re too stupid to read this and we’re worried you’ll be influenced, so you can only read the books we’ve pre-approved for you”

It is every American’s right to think freely, to speak those thoughts to others, and to have others have the opportunity to hear those thoughts whether or not they are “good influences” according to govt. It is wild how easily people are willing to throw that right away for fears of “foreign influence”. What’s next, banning TV shows from foreign countries because they might “corrupt our culture”? Banning books with subversive topics because they will “give people bad ideas”?. This is how the road to fascism begins.

Since when is reading newspapers your government doesn’t agree with a right? Since when is communicating with people your government doesn’t like a right? Since when is publishing whatever you want a right? Since approximately 1776. It’s such an important right that it’s literally the first one in the constitution. Because our ability to speak freely and criticize the government is one of the rights that underpins all others. The medium shouldn’t matter, speech is speech whether it’s an app, website, chat server, newspaper, bulletin board, code, painting, drawing, whatever. If the government can just shut down any medium or venue they don’t like because “it’s propaganda”, that basically closes the door to any open criticism of the government.

We’ve tried not having those rights for the sake of convenience, expediency, or social pleasantness. Tends to not end well. Ask people in Russia or Iran how that “government gets to dictate where and how you speak” thing is going for them. Insane bootlicking going on in this thread.

Not with L2s like Bitcoin lightning. Your fees come in under a penny in most cases and are not tied to chain space because they are not on chain. This is 100-1000x less than credit cards, for example.

It’s more complicated than this, and it gets more complicated every year, especially with lightning. It’s certainly not monero in terms of privacy, but it’s not the same Bitcoin it was 10 years ago where this was more or less true.

Wait till you hear about stocks and derivatives. No way are they ever gonna make it big time. Only used by sleazeballs trying to get rich.

I use it on a regular basis. I also run a non-profit that funds open source tools for scientists, it makes accepting donations a lot easier for us among other benefits for our donors (they don’t have to pay capital gains on the coins they donate, just like stocks).

Bitcoin is pretty incredible and offers decent anonymity which continues to improve, Monero offers more. Lots of scams in the “crypto world”, but Bitcoin has faithfully kept its fiscal policy promises for 15 years:

  • Fixed supply of 21 million coins. Your money’s value is not diluted by supply inflation.
  • You can send funds to anybody in the world with a smartphone and a halfway reliable internet connection in under a second for pennies in fees (with Bitcoin lightning). And you can do it from your couch, no banks required.
  • It has operated 24/7, 365 days a year for 15 years without a single hour of downtime, bank holiday, or hack, and has survived attacks from many angles including nation-state actors.
  • At every possible turn it has chosen decentralization and security. I can’t say the same for most other coins.
  • And it has done this with < 1% of global electricity usage, mostly from renewables and other “stranded” supply. Pretty powerful stuff.

Monero’s privacy features can be absorbed into the Bitcoin protocol whenever Bitcoin decides it wants to, that is the biggest long-term risk to Monero IMO. That and centralization of block production due to increased block size. Bitcoin worked around this block size problem with L2s like lightning, Monero chose bigger blocks though of course it could always add an L2 if it wants to.

I’m not a bot, I just see things differently than you. I think Bitcoin and blockchain generally will lead us to a more efficient, more peaceful world where people have more financial and political autonomy. I think things will look different (in a better way) when our underlying currency supply is not inflationary. Most economists disagree.

after all the existences Bitcoin and it’s offspawns must have ruined, them not having provided any tangible benefits to humanity in the process, how can one still argue it could ever do anything good as a replacement for money.

When people talk about negative associated with crypto, as I’m sure you know, 99% of the time they are talking about stuff that is not Bitcoin. Most of the scams in the crypto space fall apart with the slightest scrutiny. Many of the most notable scams have little to do with crypto at all. FTX was a classic ponzi scheme, most of which have been done with fiat currency, yet we do not blame the US dollar for Bernie Madoff’s existence. Exchange collapses are bad, I agree, which is why I always advise people to not store significant funds on exchanges. Those exchanges need to be better regulated/have better oversight and transparency. Any time you have a third party store funds for you, whether they are a bank or exchange, there is a risk they will rug you. There are also risks associated with self-custody. That is for each person to weigh and decide. The US and Europe have had fairly stable banking systems the past 100 years or so, which is a historical anomaly, but most countries are not so fortunate, and it’s not like the EU and US banking system have not had their own collapses, rugs, and other issues. I would go so far to say that fiat currency is also a scam, just one we have come to accept as legitimate. It is designed to lose value over time, it fails the basic function a currency is supposed to provide, which is as a store of value when you sell your labor or goods so that you can then use that value to purchase something equally valuable from somebody else. That functionality doesn’t happen if your currency lost value due to supply inflation. We have the state control currency because they were the most stable institution ever created by humanity, so they were our best option. Satoshi changed all that.

As far as utility? I think the market cap speaks for itself, so does investment by major investment firms and banks. I can send money to anybody on planet earth with a cell phone for less than a penny in fees. The transaction settles instantly. It doesn’t matter whether or not they have access to a stable banking system or if my bank/country has an agreement with their bank/country to enable the efficient transfer of funds. I can do it from my couch instead of M-F 9-5 and I don’t even have to wait in line at a bank branch. That’s powerful utility right there. I sent Bitcoin to Ukraine’s government when the war started so they could buy weapons and whatever else they needed. That would have been a slow, expensive nightmare to do with bank wires. My bank likely wouldn’t have even let me send money to a country at war since the receiving bank couldn’t guarantee liquidity in exchange. DAOs are powerful ways to change the way we organize society. I help run a non-profit bounty program for open-source projects, people donate to it with crypto, which is much easier to do on an international scale when we don’t need to involve the conventional, slow, convoluted international banking system. We can use those crypto donations to fund open source tools for scientific research. There are many points of utility.

Small countries are now experimenting with Bitcoin because it gives them a way to have a reasonably stable currency without becoming subservient to the US. Before Bitcoin, their options were to manage their own currency which they lack the stability to do or become subject to the whims of a foreign government. Likewise, in some parts of the world, women cannot legally have a bank account. But they can have a phone and run Bitcoin on it. Granted, that would be illegal for them too, but it is at least possible whereas there is no bank that would agree to open an account for them. That’s a different kind of utility than the kind I get out of it, but a relevant form. Bitcoin can be a powerful tool against tyrants and dictatorships, a way to “opt out” of the monetary system that keeps them in power.

I find Bitcoin useful, you may not, that is your choice. I have used it in everyday transactions, I have bought and sold goods and services with it. Since I have started making an effort to prioritize using it, I have been surprised how many places will accept it for payment. Much of crypto is hot garbage or outright scams, even if the technology itself has great potential. Crypto exchanges and stablecoins are not to be trusted. That said, Bitcoin has kept its fiscal promises to me and all of its users for 15 years. There’s no reason to expect that to change in the next 15, as long as computers still run the protocol, it will execute itself faithfully. The protocol works, you can use it to send coins from point A to point B. Whether or not you or society or whoever find that useful is not up to me.

Bitcoin solves this. The 1 BTC you have today will always be 1 BTC which will always be the same portion of supply. How much that BTC buys you will change over time, but the portion of supply will always remain the same. And if the last 15 years are any indication, it will generally buy you more over time. Meanwhile, your fiat currency increases supply by 2-3% per year in “good” years.

BTC has kept to its fiscal promise or a fixed supply and reliable transactions for 15 years. Bitcoin has a market cap of 850 billion dollars, which places it in the top 25 countries by GDP. Bigger than Sweden or Israel. It is decentralized and not run by any country but by a protocol enforced by tens of thousands of computers all over the globe. With Lightning, you can send an international transaction in under a second for under a penny in fees. You can do that with a smartphone and halfway reliable internet access. It works in warzones, it works in international waters (with satellite internet), it works everywhere. It doesn’t care what your credit score is or whether or not your authoritarian government likes Bitcoin or not. No middlemen, no bank holidays, and it does this for < 1% of global electricity usage, mostly from renewables and “stranded supply”.

Fees with lightning (Bitcoin) are often under a penny per transaction and transactions settle instantly. Usability has come a long way here.

Digital IDs are step one to a central bank digital currency which is probably the greatest threat to individual liberty, privacy, and financial autonomy we will face in our lifetimes. Imagine a currency supply the government can manipulate at will, where the government has 100% visibility into every transactions you make big or small, where the government can print and un-print money at will or dictate where and how you spend it. And imagine when the political party you don’t like is suddenly in control of this kind of power. Central banks already engage in enough shady behavior and market manipulation and if we give them this power, they will never give it back. This is a dangerous road imo. Plus, a CBDC provided a centralized database of all transactions can be hacked and leaked because that happens to all centralized databases, so now not only does the government know every transaction of yours, so does the world.

If we need the ability to do digital ID verification, there are decentralized opt-in ways to do this which don’t pose these same threats of centralized control and provide a safe opt-out/safety valve mechanism if the people administering that system are not trustworthy. CBDCs provide no such alternative.

Good. I don’t use TikTok and never will, but the government shouldn’t be able to tell you what kind of speech you listen to, what speech you make, or what platforms you use to communicate it. This is some 1984 shit. Looking forward to Trump banning every app except Truth social because we opened the door to this nonsense and all the other apps are spreading “anti-christian hate speech” or “anti-american-first propaganda”. Fuck the CCP. But also fuck the government trying to restrict speech.

Your defense is “some other dictatorship does it, so that doesn’t concern me?”. Saying things are OK because the CCP or Putin does them is a very slippery slope.

Yes, I too would love the US president to decide which social media platforms I am allowed to legally use and who I can legally communicate with. I’m so scared China is going to, checks notes, influence my opinion that I’m willing to sacrifice my free speech rights in the process. Regulate me harder, daddy! 😍

There are ways to achieve significant privacy using Bitcoin, the protocol itself is pseudonymous, lightning in many ways enhances privacy. But you need to know what you are doing and there are many gotchas.

This is the real story IMO. The government has no business telling people they can’t use certain apps for their speech. What’s next? Apps which support encryption? Apps which don’t support whoever the current political party is? You want Donald Trump or Joe Biden in charge of which apps you’re allowed to use, really?

How come every thread I see about this topic, there is nobody who is concerned about letting the federal government dictate which apps you can and cannot use to communicate with other people? This is some 1984 shit.

It did. With Bitcoin, anybody with a cell phone and halfway reliable internet access can send money globally in under a second for pennies in fees (with Bitcoin lightning). They can be their own bank without trusting any single third party. It doesn’t matter if their country has secure banking infrastructure and it doesn’t matter what their credit score is. There are countries on this planet where women aren’t allowed to open bank accounts. Bitcoin doesn’t give AF.

It has promoted and maintained the exact same fiscal policy for 15 years without a single hour of downtime or hack: a limited supply and a guarantee of your ability to transfer your coin to somebody else. No bank holidays, nobody devaluing your currency by increasing the supply. No having your savings robbed by an unstable central bank. It gives anybody in the world access to a currency that is already as stable or more stable than most national currencies. And it gives any country in the world an option aside from using USD and, inherently, losing some degree of autonomy in the process. There’s a reason Ecuador and Argentina went in on it so hard.

People underestimate how big Bitcoin really is. It’s market cap is 850 billion USD, that’s the size of Sweden’s GDP and puts it in the top 25 countries by GDP. On average, it has a trend of consistent growth year after year as adoption continues to increase. It is uncensorable, the US could decide to ban Bitcoin tomorrow, a gamma ray from space could blast half of the earth out of existence, and the next block would come regardless and the network would continue to function.

It does all this for around 1% of global electricity usage, mainly from renewables and is powering a new green revolution by being a “buyer of last resort” for power grids. This makes electricity cheaper for all other users of the grid as it’s able to buy power when nobody else wants it, enabling power generation facilities to not lose money during times of low demand. This also makes it easier for grids to add renewable capacity. Bitcoin is a form of energy storage in that sense. Miners don’t buy power during times of peak demand for price reasons, so it doesn’t take power that anybody else would be using.

And more scientific research accomplished if you donate your CPU cycles with !boinc@sopuli.xyz !

Y’all should know about BOINC. It’s one of the world’s largest distributed computing networks used for “volunteer computing” where people donate computing time to scientific research. It’s federated/permissionless/open and anybody can create a BOINC project. !boinc@sopuli.xyz

Also check out #DeSci, lots of people working on interesting incentive mechanisms to fix scientific publishing. There’s a whole bunch of projects listed here http://desci.world/

Yep have done this for years. Cut a corner off a sponge each time it enters its next life phase so you can easily identity the phase it’s in by the way it looks.

Now this is a suggestion I haven’t heard before, thank you I will look into this!

!boinc@sopuli.xyz if I am donating GPU power to science research. There is a BOINC client for Linux but packaging is a hot mess (though getting better) and compatibility with graphics drivers is hit-or-miss. So any crunching rigs I have w/ GPUs all run Windows.

I’ve been wondering if it might be a water hardness/softness things. I’ve experienced this in several different cities, but it’s possible they all had either hard or soft water.

Yes. And I have experienced this on dishwashers that don’t have filters as well.

How do you get rid of “wet dog” smell in a dishwasher?
This is a thing with every dishwasher I've had, some models seem better than other. You wash the dishes and when they dry, they have a musty odor I can only describe as "wet dog". Other people often don't seem to notice this, so maybe I am just sensitive to it. Though if I point it out, then they smell it. I have tried: - Cleaning every nook and cranny of the dishwasher and filter - Running with orange kool-aid/citric acid/lemishine in dispenser after each wash (works decently well) - Running a rinse w white vinegar after each cycle (this works the best so far) - Making sure dishes air dry instead of dry inside the dishwasher (always do this, helps a bit) In all instances where this happens, the dishes are clean and don't have food stuck to them or floating around in the water. Has anybody else fought this problem? What worked for you?

Paying for OSS documentation
I work with a FOSS project that needs better documentation. We have some written stuff but want to add video guides and some more written stuff as well. There's also some desire to re-organize our existing documentation using some system like ReadTheDocs etc. Our devs are good devs, not good documentarians. We have money. I know we could just go on upwork and find somebody to make this, but I'm curious if there's a company or organization out there that specializes in making documentation for FOSS projects? One we could pay to have this done? Edit: Not going to name the FOSS project, don't want this post to look promotional. I am just trying to see if the service we're looking for exists.

Testing packaging which targets multiple distributions?
I am working on creating deb/rpm packages for an OSS tool I use. So far, I have been manually testing each deb/rpm in a virtualbox live cd version of that OS but it's tedious to do that for every release. This is a GUI tool, I basically just need to confirm that the apt install goes correctly and the program can actually launch. There is a systemd service associated with it I'd also like to check the existence/status of. In the future, we may make a flatpak as well. Are there any tools to automate this process? Or maybe if it can't test the GUI functionality it can at least install and take a screenshot and I can review the screenshot?

Have you ever donated your computing power with the OSS BOINC? Take 5 minutes to fill out the 2023 BOINC Census!
The BOINC Census is back for another year! 🎉 If you use BOINC ([!boinc@sopuli.xyz](https://sopuli.xyz/c/boinc)), we want to hear your thoughts! BOINC is an open source tool and protocol for volunteer computing which enables people to volunteer their computational power to scientific research like cancer research and mapping the galaxy. Take the survey with the link below 👇 Should only take 5 min and your response could help shape the future of the community 😁 [https://forms.fillout.com/t/n33grsgkeRus](https://forms.fillout.com/t/n33grsgkeRus) The BOINC Census is a project of the [Science Commons Initiative](https://thesciencecommons.org), a 501(c)(3) non-profit rebuilding the bridge of trust and participation between the public and science. Happy crunching! 🚀

Nostr vs Mastodon
I've been using mastodon for a month or two now. I never used twitter but thought I'd try it out for fun since I love this new fediverse experiment. Then my mastodon instance started experiencing some downtime and I wondered what happens in this scenario. It seems if the goal is to have lots of smaller instances and decentralize social media, then instances, particularly those not run a big companies (who can reliably fund things for years on end and sell ad space on their platforms), will come and go and users will lose their identity or home base each time this happens along with all their followers and their connection to the wider social graph. This seems not great. It seems that nostr might actually be a fix for this. In nostr: - You publish to multiple relays (essentially instances) and anybody from any relay can follow you. - Your messages are signed by your key so you can prove they are authentic. - If your relay goes down, people can still follow you via other relays - You can change between relays without losing your identity. Your post history and followers follow you, not yourusername@relay.com. Doing some reading, it seems people's main criticisms of nostr are: - Interface isn't as pretty. Looks like this has come leaps and bounds in the past six months but of course could always use more work - Populated by crypto bros. This seems like not an issue long-term, there's plenty of crypto bros on mastodon, you can just not follow them if you don't want to see them. The idea that you can "tip" with a tweet or whatever nostr's term for that is seems pretty interesting. Basically, at a protocol level, nostr seems better in some important ways and the cons don't seem protocol related but userbase and UI related. What am I missing on the pros/cons list? Anybody got experiences to share?

What OSS is in-between Google Sheets and a custom CRM or SQL db?
I run into a need for this type of software frequently but I don't know what it's called or if it exists. I am very adept at Google Sheets and it works great for pulling in data from other places, creating custom little dashboards and forms, etc but where it's not particularly good is storing relational data for example "This book is written by *author*" and then having "author" be some other entity with its own attributes. Now of course, there's SQL but using SQL requires learning SQL syntax which is much more complex. Plus, you have to define a schema and changing schema after you've made the db can be complicated. Not to mention if you use SQL, now you need some kind of front-end to the SQL to make it more friendly to a user even if they would be fine at their skill level managing google sheets. There are many great CRMs, CMSes, and other systems (I have used Drupal in the past for this niche), but they are often much more difficult to customize than Google Sheets and focused more on data storage/retrieval and less on using that data to calculate things, make graphs etc. I know AirTable exists, it seems closer to what I want to use, but of course it is not OSS. What other "middle ground" or 'more powerful sheets' tools are out there, and are any OSS?

Context: **Chat Control 2.0**: EU governments set to approve the end of private messaging and secure encryption *"By making a minor concession EU governments hope to find a majority next week to approve the controversial 'chat control' bill. According to the proposed child sexual abuse regulation (CSAR), providers of messengers, e-mail and chat services would be forced to automatically search all private messages and photos for suspicious content and report it to the EU. To find a majority for this unprecedented mass surveillance, the EU Council Presidency proposed Tuesday that the scanners would initially search for previously classified CSAM only, and even less reliable technology to classify unknown imagery or conversations would be reserved to a later stage. The proposed „deal“ will be discussed by ambassadors tomorrow and could be adopted by ministers next week."* Source: https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/chat-control-2-0-eu-governments-set-to-approve-the-end-of-private-messaging-and-secure-encryption/

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/6469594 > How to contact [your MEP](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/home).

Always a smokescreen to take away your rights. Epstein plead guilty in *2008* to trafficking children to nobody.

OSS for volunteer/distributed computing aside from BOINC?
Does anybody know of any free/OSS software for volunteer/distributed computing *aside* from [!boinc@sopuli.xyz](https://sopuli.xyz/c/boinc)? I've tried setting up BOINC server side and man is it frustratingly complex even for somebody with sysadmin experience. There's a lot of under-utilized hardware out there, and there's a lot of people who will donate their CPU cycles to scientific research or other volunteer computing projects, but complexity of the BOINC server-side software creates a very high barrier to entry to scientists. I know that HTCCondor exists, but if I understand correctly, you need to be able to somewhat trust the hosts which do your compute. I'm also aware of various client software (folding@home etc) but I am looking for server-side software. Ideal situation: - Can distribute workunits to clients on a variety of OS and hardware platforms. Obviously the server operator would need to make an app that can work cross-platform or make different versions of the app for each platform. - Can validate workunits either using its own simple validation or passing the workunit to a custom validation script you write

Looking for OSS for non-profit membership organization
I work with a non-profit that supports open source software tools, and we are working on developing a concept of a membership-based organization for supporting those tools. The basic idea is that people could donate $x per month towards a central pool and could then vote on how to spend that money with their vote weight being determined by their total amount of donations over time. We've had a number of people express interest in participating. I'm aware of DAOs as a concept, but since most people will want to donate with fiat currency, I think they will create more of a headache than a help for this particular situation. What we need is a software for tracking our list of active members and how many donations they've made over time. **What software(s) would you suggest to do this?** I know this could be done in Google sheets, LibreOffice, or Airtable or something similar, but I'm hoping there is something more closely tailored to what we're doing and if possible OSS. We have several things we need to do. In an ideal world one software or platform would do it all but I'm guessing we'll have to use multiple tools: - Maintain a list of all members and how much they have donated over time to get their vote weight. - Assign vote weight to members based on their total donations over time (or a specific number we put into this tool) and invite them to vote on things with web link that collects their vote and maybe shows them results. It would be *really* nice if we could have something where we could create multiple things to be voted on, adjust our vote weights on each poll, and then invite all the members to vote in one click.

"This is the first-ever observation of entanglement between a pair of quarks and the highest-energy measurement of entanglement. Apart from the fundamental interest of testing quantum entanglement in a new environment, this measurement paves the way to use the LHC as a laboratory to study quantum information and other foundational problems in quantum mechanics." The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerators with a 27km circumference with over 9,000 magnets that can generate 9 billion collisions per second. There is even a [!boinc@sopuli.xyz](https://sopuli.xyz/c/boinc) project where [you can contribute](https://lhcathome.web.cern.ch/) your computer’s spare computational power to analyzing the huge mass of data this project generates, no PhD required! Each year of operation generates approx 30 petabytes of data, equivalent to 1.2 million bluray disks. https://home.cern/resources/faqs/facts-and-figures-about-lhc

My favourite OSS: BOINC (volunteer your computational power to science!)
I want to let you all know about what I think is one of the coolest yet most under-appreciated FOSS tools out there, it's called [BOINC](https://boinc.berkeley.edu) lemmy at [!boinc@sopuli.xyz](https://sopuli.xyz/c/boinc) . The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing has been around for *decades* and has delivered teraflops of computing to scientists on a daily basis for absolutely free. BOINC has been used to [map the universe](https://einsteinathome.org/), [detect asteroids](https://asteroidsathome.net/), search for aliens (remember seti@home?), [fight cancer](http://worldcommunitygrid.org), and publish [hundreds of scientific papers](https://boinc.berkeley.edu/pubs.php). The world's largest particle accelerator (large hadron collider at CERN) even has [a project](https://lhcathome.web.cern.ch/) you can compute for, who knows, you may find a new subatomic particle! Anybody with a computer, raspberry pi, or android can contribute their CPU or GPU to the cause and pick which projects they want to contribute to. You don't need to be computer savvy or have a PhD to run it. One of the awesome things about BOINC is that any scientists with interesting research can instantly access massive amounts of computational power for free. They don't need time on a supercomputer or institutional backing, all they need is an interesting research concept and a spare laptop to run the server on. I have been running BOINC for many years and find it very gratifying, I love getting to see the results. Hell, it even heats my house in the winter! If you have electric heat such as electric baseboards or space heaters (NOT heat pumps since they are >100% efficient), you can heat your house with computers and spend the exact same amount as your normal heat bill but also get science done in the process. Every watt of electricity you use in your house turns into heat. A blender is just as efficient at turning electricity into heat as a space heater. It sounds counter-intuitive, but ask your grade school physics teacher and you'll find that the conservation of energy is not a controversial topic in physics. If you are spending 50W on a space heater, you could instead dump that 50W into your computer. You pay for and get 50W of heat either way, but only the computer does science along the way.

A great video from science communicator Dr Becky about the recent asteroid sample we brought back to earth and the science they'll be doing on it. Anybody else here donate their CPU time to the [Asteroids@home](https://asteroidsathome.net/) project on [!boinc@sopuli.xyz](https://sopuli.xyz/c/boinc) ? I love getting to see that my computer has discovered a new asteroid or computed the spin for one. There are so many undetected asteroids out there.

A man who grabbed our concept of a centralized internet by the balls and squeezed it so hard that the Lemmy’s user count 65xed in a 3 months period. Thank you for your service

A man who grabbed our concept of a centralized internet by the balls and squeezed it so hard that the Lemmy's user count 65xed in a 3 months period. Thank you for your service

Under what conditions would you be OK with ads on your lemmy instance?
I'll start: - Some significant portion of funds go towards development of the Lemmy software. 80%? Rest goes to lemmy instance hosting. - Ads are reasonable and non-intrusive (no popups etc) - People can still browse w/ an adblocker I personally would gladly turn off my adblocker if I knew the ads were supporting development. Hell, I might even click a few!

Group making an open-source and patent free COVID drug using the computers of volunteers
SiDock is an international scientific collaboration using the computers of volunteers to search through vast chemical space to find a cure for COVID-19. This will produce an open source, patent-free, shelf-stable antiviral that can be used across the world and purchased for low cost. You can contribute to their work with a simple download.

If you are interested in the topic, come on over !scientificcomputing@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://gehirneimer.de/m/privacy@lemmy.ml/t/57607 > The French government is considering a law that would require web browsers – like Mozilla's Firefox – to block websites chosen by the government.

cross-posted from: https://gehirneimer.de/m/privacy@lemmy.ml/t/57607 > The French government is considering a law that would require web browsers – like Mozilla's Firefox – to block websites chosen by the government.

OSSCi (non-profit working on open source science tools) is working on a project that maps the OSS ecosystem, specifically tools that are used in science, and we're starting with generative AI, machine learning, and materials science. Here's a very very very minimal demo of the map: https://map.opensource.science/ and here's a discourse forum we're collecting info on https://community.opensource.science/t/mapping-the-oss-tool-landscape/28

Places to post bounties on software bugs?
I work at a non-profit which funds development on some OSS tools. In the past, we have used BountySource to fund fixes for specific bugs/github issues, but it appears that devs are having issues with BountySource not paying them. Bad news. Are there any viable alternatives where people can bounty specific issues either with USD or crypto? I know Gitcoin used to exist but now they just do whole hackathons instead of specific issues. Edit: I made a lemmy community for now !bugbounties@lemmy.ml. If you are a dev looking to contribute to OSS projects and get paid or a project that needs a little extra dev help, hop on in :)

Gets me excited about another projects like SETI@Home coming along. The BOINC platform (which SETI@Home used to distribute work) is alive and well. You can contribute your spare computational power to finding pulsars, curing cancer, and more. !boinc@sopuli.xyz

Gets me excited about another projects like SETI@Home coming along. The BOINC platform (which SETI@Home used to distribute work) is alive and well. You can contribute your spare computational power to finding pulsars, curing cancer, and more. !boinc@sopuli.xyz

Gets me excited about another projects like SETI@Home coming along. The BOINC platform (which SETI@Home used to distribute work) is alive and well. You can contribute your spare computational power to finding pulsars, curing cancer, and more. !boinc@sopuli.xyz

Help find genes correlated with cancer, map the galaxies, or develop an open-source covid therapeutic. Whatever area of science you are interested in, there is a BOINC project you can participate in. Some of them (like the black hole database) will even credit you for your findings! BOINC is a free app that runs on every OS (Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android) that enables you to volunteer your spare computational power towards scientific research. BOINC has been around for decades and has produced hundreds of scientific papers.

Why don’t we buy reddit?
Reddit is going to have their IPO. Anybody can buy shares. With enough shares, a shareholder resolution could be proposed and passed. Similar shareholder activism has forced Fortune 500 companies to divest from fossil fuels. We could replace corporate execs at will and have major site changes be put to a site-wide vote. This is something that could stop eshitification dead in its tracks. What's more, the improved user experience would make Reddit the #1 place for social media period, which means more user engagement, which means more ability to sell ads and keep the platform afloat. Federation is great, and there should be many Lemmy instances, but it does not solve problems of funding and management. We need user-managed, user-owned platforms, or they will all suffer the same fates. What am I missing here?