Why is it so bad?
Why is it so bad?
Racist piece of shit
You wouldn’t download an education would you?
Its weird because I loved dragon age origins and Pillars of eternity. I thought Wasteland 3 was ok.
I think with D:OS 2 I was annoyed that I didn’t choose a premade character at the start, and that the storyline was just, become a god. I don’t find that kind of narrative compelling. I also didn’t like the fairytale lighthearted vibes. The world didn’t feel “meaty” somehow.
What didn’t you like about it? I didn’t like divinity original sin so I’ve been hesitant on buying bg3.
royals are for guillotines
I’ve been lucky that many of the people around me were happy to learn. I haven’t worked a white collar job yet so my work has been unrelated to the vocabulary. And people aren’t insecure or defensive about education because they aren’t payed to be educated. It was actually fun to teach the ones that wanted to learn. But I would also see lots of confused looks and so I lowered my vocab.
But I mean less terms like a-priori and more like flabbergasted or circumnavigate, pincer, dilapidated. Just higher reading level words that you might use in a description or as an adjective. nothing too jargony.
Terrifying. I was so stunned when I left college and realized how much I have to limit my vocabulary around most people. It made me feel distant from many of my peers.
This kind of oppression is so insidious and creates so much shame. Ive been following the tik tok of a ~35 year old man learning to read. Its been such a hard journey for him.
We live in a society based around the rule of law. People cant read the fucking laws. What the fuck.
Foucalt was right. If schools were anything other than prisons, the kids would be able to fucking read when they were done.
damn google has really gotten shit then. I used to avoid duckduckgo because of how much better google was.
I downloaded freetube, is that one ok?
I had no idea there was a vanced replacement!!!
lmao theres literally a movie about someone from the south being stranded in the north
It’s kinda funny to me that anywhere in france could be considered the sticks. You can’t go 5km without some kind of a town or village. Relative to apalachia or the rockies it may as well be manhattan.
I always thought it was corsica. What part of the north? More towards brittany or Lille? Or normandy more specifically?
I mean obviously it was always happening but this must’ve made it worse
Ugh I should probably try reading things
Bruh, how am I supposed to get burried with my Victoria 2 communist speed run