• 4 Posts
Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


Horizon is Hermen Hulst’s pet project to get ready to see more of that shoved in your faces.

Damn Horizon really is a forced franchise that Sony is shoving in everyone’s face.

Northern Journey and Crystal Project are the games you want then.

Remember to leave your review as negative and to not re-buy the game if you already refunded it.

Based, fuck Sony and the power trip happy community manager at Arrowhead that wants to ban people easier.

If you just have an iPhone and nothing else and treat it like a smart phone it is very easy to migrate over to android and vice versa. If you get invested in the apple ecosystem it might be hard to leave or use some other products that are gimped without an iPhone

valve didn’t want adult games on their platform, shortly afterwards gog has adult game sale, valve goes back on their stance and allows adult games from then on forward (that get past their approval process, non-adult games still get denied. rip dungeon travelers 2).

mpv https://odysee.com/@NaomiBrockwell:4/Financial-surveillance:e?r=2zW2U8ZcN8MsrJT5cgp9uunSj5LEJEDR

I’d welcome an early 2000s website because it shows the developer can have some fun.

Yeah having filesystem sandboxing will totally save you from game analytics and tracking, and when you block networking you should have just pirated the games and not felt with Steam in the first place.

Does it still run at 50 fps no matter how powerful your PC is? Last time I played it was in 2020.

The only game I recall releasing a 64 bit executable in 2007 was Crysis.

Why would you need to move to Firefox when you’re using Librewolf? You’re just confusing yourself, you don’t have to since it’s already a fork of Firefox.

Alsamixer has a curses ui and can be used, set the audio to the desired level and enter ‘sudo alsactl store’ to save your audio levels. This affects all your input and outputs so adjust your speakers volume there then save it along with your mic.

I would say it’s seemless on Windows, not Linux.

I switched over to pipewire for my audio nearly 2 years a go and had 0 problems migrating from pluse to pipewire in Arch btw. You’ll be running an even newer version so it will be just be a drop in replacement and the worst you’ll have to do is restart the pipewire service when you install it or just reboot.

From’s games that were released after Dark Souls can’t be considered underrated, aside from Armored Core 5 and Verdict day. Everything else has sold over a million copies and was released to high praise. Sekiro is absolutely not underrated.

Deus Ex is a game that would be ruined with a remake. A less rushed ending isn’t worth everything else getting changed.

so was the problem wayland not doing something correctly or nvidia not doing something correctly 🤔

Current Bungie is not the same studio that made Marathon, Myth, Oni and Halo. They’ve been releasing dog shit since Destiny 1.

Still the same CPU, (which is a gimped 3700x, down-clocked with 1/4 of the CPUs cache) and still with high latency GDDR6 ram which is bad for Ryzen’s architecture. The better GPU is just for games that are GPU bottle-necked (like Immortals of Avenium which runs at what, 480-720p?) Otherwise there’s the AI fake frames that Sony will market the fuck out of and convince people that 30 interpolated to 60 or higher is fine.

Fuck no Nintendo’s the richest company in Japan and they’ll copy paste BotW again and release it as a full priced sequel when it’s just BotW 1.6

yt-dlp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eR7D6Fx0fTQ on public WiFi or using a VPN then

At my house, I’m already using a dynamic dns for some game servers because of a dynamic ip.

Self hosted syncthing relay with keepass, how secure is it?
I already have my keepassxc and syncthing setup on my phone and computers and it's great, I'd like to go a step further and have my password database sync when I'm not on my home network. From my understanding I can use relays set up by other users and they are encrypted, but if I do not trust syncing personal (encrypted) data to someone else's server how easy is it to set up a relay that only I use? I won't be using Bitwarden because in theory if I can pull this off I can also use syncthing to sync other files as well. Is setting up a personal relay a lot of work or a potential security risk for my home network?

The only 6.7 AMD issue (feature) I’m aware of is the amdgpu patch that gets the tdp limits from the vbios so you can’t undervolt as much vs older kernels.

Ross Scott talking about The Crew's future server shutdown making the game unplayable for people who bought it or received it for free. He wants to see if a lawsuit is possible because of how fast technology is outpacing the law and needs help with who to contact.

Hideki Kamiya starts YouTube channel after leaving PlatinumGames, plans to make more (non educational) videos in the future.

Variable refresh rate and Wayland/XWayland questions.
So this has come up may times but I can't seem to get concrete answers for some of these questions. What is the status of variable refresh rate on Wayland and XWayland, what software versions do you need? To my knowledge VRR works on Wayland (I know it works on X with 1 monitor/multi-head setup but that is out of the scope of this) KDE that's version 5.27, and need a relatively new mesa version, I run the git releases and not stable. There is also the Atomic KMS update mumbo jumbo that I don't understand at all for Kernel 6.6. Basically will VRR work with the following setup, my monitor does have Freesync but has no on-screen notification that show's that it is enabled. - The game is running in full screen - AMDGPU (RDNA2) - Display port connection - Kernel 6.5 - Mesa git compiled as of October 9th 2023 - KDE 5.27 - Wayland 1.22 Will VRR work for only native Wayland games (do any exist? do latest releases of emulators have a Wayland mode) and will it work on XWayland programs (probably 99% of what people are playing right now). Thanks in advance for the help/answers.