Im an autist living in Poland, I also moderate the c/autism community here.

  • 17 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


I’m stepping down as a moderator
Due to personal reasons such as time, among other things i cannot fulfill the duties of a moderator. I hope this community finds a suitable replacement.

predicting every single conversation but none of the predictions being right

cross-posted from: > ADHDinos Source Links: > > - [Webtoon]( > - [Website]( > - [Facebook]( > - [Instagram](

I have managed to fix it, thanks for the tips!

I have managed to fix it, thanks for the tips!

how to repair a RJ45 cable?
My RJ45 standard a cable broke. I tried fixing it in but i cant align the clolored wires properly , because they all turn and twist when i try to put them into the clear plastic thing. do you have any advice of how to do this?

We try to rebuild that feeling of belonging to a community here. I know how life with autism can be hard sometimes but knowing that other people face similar issues makes me feel less alone in this world, sometimes users may even share helpful information on how to deal with those problems and im thankful to all of you for that!

Our Matrix server is used for off topic discussions:

my first goal is to learn how networks work, and then once i learn the basics i want to host my own matrix server.

Any free beginer resources?
Im looking for free ******entry-level****** materials about self hosting and network architecture in general. I know that some professors put presentations for free on their websites. im looking for: e-books,lectures,tutorials,videos. Thanks in advance. -kapx132

Maybe work with your therapist to start tolerating that. I feel like “until I feel like it” is too unclear of a guideline because they dont have acces to your internal feelings and thoughts.

I found out that not being able to see things in your mind isn’t the norm, after taking that aphantasia star test.

I have both aphantasia and autism and i wanted to see how many autists also have it.

I was always distracted by even the smallest things when in class and during other activities that require focus.

It really depends on your country. For me diagnosis was free but i had to wait some time in a queue to get it other than that i get large train and bus ticket discounts and if you are diagnosed, a psychiatrist can perscribe medication.

Hello, i hope you feel welcome in our community!

While this could be useful, i think that it could be harmful to the brain’s ability to hold memory if relied on too much.

Thanks OP for reminding me to water my plants

Advice on mindfulness?
Hello, the past few weeks i have been a little stressed. I tried to meditate but most generic techniques dont work for me, do you have any that worked?

Is there a way to sandbox apps on android?
I need to use Messenger for a project im working on, but i dont want it to harvest all my data. how to make it collect as least data as possible?

A page covering reasons why autistic people are more likely to be abused, signs that they are being abused, and tactics that abusers use to abuse autistic people.

[Helpful resource] What is autism?
A website that explains autism.

Tips on how to discuss autism in a respectful and inclusive fashion.

My favourite part of the day is around 5pm-9pm when i can calm down after a long day.

cross-posted from: I found this while browsing the fediverse

Well, now i know what mutant my rpg party will be fighting. “el mosconaso the destroyer of swamps”

Hey man, do you want me to explain the FNAF lore to you? it all started when…

[3 hours later]

… and thats why William Afton survived the pizzeria burning down in FNAF6 (otherwise known as Freddy Fazbear’s pizzeria simulator).

I also hate the feeling of chicken gristle, its just awful.

When im around other introverts i become the extrovert but when im around extroverts im an introvert.

I have a big plushie that i like to hug. While it doesnt feel like a person physically hugging you it still feels nice.

For me meltdowns give me overwhelming rage and my mind blank, after they happen i feel disgusted at myself for them and then they lead into shutdowns most of the time.

During shutdowns im too tired to speak, my movements become sluggish and i often disasociate with the surroundings. (its wierd to describe, it feels like my mind and body are two diffrent unrelated with each other entities.)

At the age of 15-17 I started finding my personality. I think figuring out who you are is just a part of growing up and maturing as a person.

I had Depression Caused by my cripling OCD and thoughts like “why i cant just be normal” were often but im better now.

I have already quit reddit, I can live without youtube.

I dont know because im still learning how to even start a car so all i can say is good luck in learning how to drive OP!

Autistic memes are welcome in this community as long as they dont break our rules. 😀

I cant open doors with my hands, only the elbows.

There is a disclaimer in the upper left corner about this

Most of the traits listed above apply to me.

When im overstimulated even the plesant sound of birds singing annoys me. It could be that we dont have enough mental energy to “mute” the stimuli when we are nearing a meltdown.

I told my barber that i prefer to not talk during hair cutting and she listened. So if you feel like it you could try saying that you prefer not to talk during getting your hair cut.

How to stop procrastinating?
I always put everything off for later so i end up with my house uncleaned, books unread, meals uncooked, programming not learned etc. Could anyone offer advice on how to stop procrastinating?

Direct eye contact is wierd for me but looking at the person’s nose feels less wierd while still looking like i maintain eye contact.

[Rant] I hate the modern internet
I am fucking scared of the mass surveilence nightmare direction that the internet and the world as a whole is going towards... C2PA, france hacking itself into citizen phones, the UK anti encryption law, EU's chat control, etc. Im also sick of and hate the "you will own nothing and be happy" mentality that corpos try to push. I dont wanna know how the world will look like in 5-10 years.

How to deal with overstimulation in a crowded space?
Yesterday I went shopping in a very crowded supermarket. It was exhausting. I almost had a meltdown in public. do you have any advice on how to calm down / avoid overstimulation during such situations?

/c/autism is your community. Help us build it.
Hi, We’re autistic and don’t believe in hierarchies. Here’s a 22-minute infodump on it: This is your community, so we want this place to be your internet home, where you can be free to be your autistic true selves: share your interesting special interests, have meltdowns, be direct, expect others to be direct back, seek support for supposedly simple matters, make mistakes and receive compassionate feedback, be silly, and most importantly, feel included. As moderators, we need your help. What do you want from the moderation team of /c/autism? Tell us freely. Don’t worry about upsetting us, saying the “wrong” thing, being “too much”, or whatever other unfair lessons we have been taught by society for being us. It’s okay. We get it. Talk to us so we can make this the best autism community we can make! Some tips Go to your favorite Lemmy communities, kbin magazines, subreddits, online forums, etc., see what you like about them, and then tell us to see if we can implement that here. Find what’s missing elsewhere that we could include here. Have discussions on our chat to brainstorm. Tell us more tips so we can add them to this list. Yours truly, The moderation team

Do you like summer or winter more?
I personally prefer winter because in summer the temperature is unbearable, I'm sweaty all the time, there are mosquitoes and ticks everywhere. while in winter I can sleep under many blankets and be comfy. But the cons of winter are that it gets dark quickly and ice can be slippery.