I see, charge is a class method and not an instance method. Well played universe creator.
I see, charge is a class method and not an instance method. Well played universe creator.
and then we have a fight about whose method is the best!
More importantly, can it run doom?
people dont seem to see the difference between ending up with a party for which a good chunk of their supporters think that what Israel is doing is a genocide vs ending up with a party for which all of their supporters think not only that what Israel is doing is justified but should also do the same to all middle eastern countries (together with direct USA involvement).
I think there are two major subgroups within this group.
First one is immigrants whose families are from the middle east/Palestine who are rightfully very angry at all the world for doing jack shit about Israel committing genocide. What they have to realize is there are unfortunately only two options going ahead: 1- as it is now, maybe somewhat better in future, or 2- much worse. There is no third option that is going to come out of these elections but one where there is potential for change (potential coming from the supporters mentioned above) vs %100 chance of things going for the worse. Note that I am not talking at all about the candidates themselves at all, just the demographic that generally votes for them.
The second group is probably China or Russia fans who just want to see America suffer by getting Trump elected. These are very short sighted people with whom you cannot really have a coherent conversation with.
lady of the pain tier deityship
I assume someone saying this is a creationist and can just say god created Earth already with the lead in it. Therefore it is a pointless discussion.
internalise? that is for babies. try acknowledging the compliment vocally and coherently. my general reply to a compliment is “yea”
I love how every decade some Americans blame communism for stuff they dont personally like. This decade it is free healthcare.
well they have to justify the exorbitant amount of money they charge for publicly funded science articles (apart from the obvious reason of thinking about the shareholders)
with the compute power required for models like alphafold, my guess is it will be at the monopoly of some corporation which will charge exorbitant prices for any drugs it develops through AI. Not a fault of AI itself, just fucking parasitic shareholder pigs which we should have eaten long ago.
they will automate all menial jobs, fire %90 of the workers and ask remaining %10 to oversee the AI automated tasks while also doing all other tasks which can not be automated. all so that shareholders can add some more billions on top of their existing stack of billions.
some papers are almost like they are trying to keep the core idea a secret
I am pretty sure some people think that it is a community name
chatgpt surely starting to feel this way
I hate it when I realize I failed to understand something (especially if I was very certain that I did). Making the possibilities set slightly smaller offers little consolation.
Otherwise I agree.
just happened to me today, still recovering
you want to find “forces” to apply to a dynamical system so that you steer it in behaving the way you want. it can be as simple as asking “what are the forces that I need to apply so that it eventually goes to a place I want it to”. In general applications are in the domain of optimal control theory which also requires to minimize a certain cost while you are controlling the system. So then the questions become
1- Can I find external influences such that I can force this system to end up there
2- Among all possible ways of forcing the system to end up there, what is the minimal cost way I can force this system to end up in there
In the example of a rocket it could to reach a certain speed or a certain location (both can be seen as subsets of the coordinate,speed phase space which is where the dynamical system evolves) while minimizing fuel usage. The control mechanism in thise case would be deciding on a set of times in which to apply an amount of force to your rocket (by releasing an amount of exhaust gas).
wikipedia article on optimal control theory might have a nice intro
you are imagining things