Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️

also they/them • Bi • Romanian ML • Enjoyer of Nice Things™

Uphold Marxism-Leninism-Yuno Gasai Thought!

Communist Yuno

  • 56 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 02, 2022


Most domestic bond ownership is within the hands of the bourgeoisie, though.

I’m not saying “no country should ever take on any debt.” I’m saying the US debt is excessive, and the money is being wasted on furthering the aims of the bourgeoisie, primarily through funneling that money into continuously arming the military and the police.

Surely this money could at least be used to increase funding for necessary services like education and healthcare, but it’s not.

And “inefficient” is a mild way to put it, especially when looking at the DoD

Even calling it “statistical data about the US debt” is overselling it since it’s literally just a screenshot and a link to a paper that (presumably?) the screenshot came from.

This is a statistics website of the US treasury

The vast majority of bonds aren’t owned by the average US citizen, though.

Not to mention what the US budget is primarily diverted towards.

You’re saying it as though tremendous amounts of debt have the possibility of being interpreted as a positive thing

March 2023 · Discussion Thread
Anime, manga, etc. posting Please discuss as usual, and send suggestions in DMs, thanks ![I'll do it tomorrow, now is sleepy time]( ~im\ very\ sleepy\ eepy~

January 2023 · Discussion Thread
Welcome to the eighth monthly family guy funny moments discussion thread Please discuss family guy funny moments Suggestions go to any of the mods, k? Thx ![famy guy lois](

It’s made by a Russian artist named Dmitry Grozov. Links to his VK account, and the respective posts are in the sidebar.

Anime appears to be Muv-Luv Alternative: Schwarzesmarken Episode 6 at around 13:57

Ain’t that the truth?

Let’s both do our best in finding that person, comrade!

Need a hot boyfriend who stares directly into my soul


The JCP nowadays pales in comparison to what it was 60-70 years ago. It used to take the fight right to the government. Now it’s just another social democratic party, ironically preserving these rotten industry practices under the guise of “muh freeze peach”, with them even stating that they’re willing to keep the Imperial family if they play nice

Hell, they’ve even found a way to monetize the censoring part. They have people pay premium to see a couple more pixels on their screens

I genuinely feel sorry for these people who’ve reached such a low point that paying more money for a representation of some sexualised person is considered a better, more achievable thing to do than making meaningful relationships.

Honestly, I’m still looking for that ideal “relationship anime”. Just a nice anime about a wholesome relationship, no extraneous bullshit tacked onto it. I know it’s not that interesting, but still.

But I’ve yet to find it. Either it has someone be incredibly awkward (and not in a cute way), or some point about one of the characters’ past, which is never used in any meaningful way, or some other annoying detail.

A lot of them that get close seem to really just want to become sit-coms, or tease the viewer just until the last moment, when you finally get what you want, and BAM! it’s over

It seems that the second one, Citrus, was made by Passione, so that’s definitely something people should stay away from

This happened to me too! Just got into anime thanks to my best friend, so I went searching for some more to watch.

Found this fairly popular one (don’t remember what it’s called), Yuri, seemed nice and cute.

Downloaded it. Watched some episodes. ??? / ?!?!?! / This is not what was expected. Deleted. Removed from my list.

Image source (sans Das Kapital): Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai - S2 Ep. 7 at around 11:32

Hello, operator? Get me whoever’s in charge of the Department of Juche Necromancy. I’d like to revive the Father of Nations.