At the local seafood restaurant: “Wow! Yagottahavethesharkitsfuckingfantastic!”
At the local seafood restaurant: “Wow! Yagottahavethesharkitsfuckingfantastic!”
With the soundtrack of Caravan of Fools, by John Prine.
Literally? Buy some heroin.
Aftermath might not be so good though.
In a couple, three years, this will be Central Europe. Southern USA.
Longer than you think! Chilled me.
Headlines: “Trump elected President”.
<Google shrugs>. “Hey, Im Evil now.“ <continues evilling>
Uhh huh, cause that’ll help.
Yes. 100% overused.
Set me up, Loyd!
Hello Me!
But I’ll add a dry martian in there too! Gin, vermouth, olive(s) or Gibson’s.
Lawers, guns, and money.
More is better.
My understanding is fermented foods have good microbes in them. They are, essentially, alive.
If you pasteurize them, it kills off those communities. The heat won’t distinguish between good and bad microbes so it’s all dead after fermentation.
We pasteurize milk to kill the bad microbes (feacal colliforms, food poisoning, etc.) for mass production. It works well, …very well. It’s needed at that scale, period. But if you are looking for the living microbes, it can’t be pasteurized.
Microbes are dead, so …ya.
Most sauerkraut is pasteurized which, as I understand it, makes it not fermented anymore.
That means Canada’s done some bad shot too. We actually sell a shit-tonne of weapons.
Any soldier of worth I’ve ever known, …any true soldier, wouldn’t advertise their profession as such.
Nothing more.
I do that while talking a shit.
New Orleans, Superdome, Katrina. - What went on in there, really. And within a mere day or two; truly, we are just animals wearing clothes.
Being a part of my own Government’s effort to deploy it’s “flagship climate program” worth a billion+ $. Realising, it’s just tax money that’s getting fed upon by industry, with very little actual effect. Also, seeing the climate data and its undeniability in regards to imminent collapse (5-7 y) combined with our utter lack of action.
A few others as well, but two come to mind quickly.
I am soured on humans. I have no faith in our species anymore.