•Microsoft says it won't let you use Mail & Calendar app on Windows 11English
5 months ago[meme] Oh no! Anyway… [/meme]
[meme] Oh no! Anyway… [/meme]
Mandrake > Debian > Ubuntu > Mint & Arco Linux & MX Linux.
These three distros are the chosen ones in my case. I’ve been using them in my main computers for a couple of years now. It’s the right mixture.
Good for my PC but not for my crappy (but loved) netbook. Too CPU demanding.
Oh, I didn’t know that and I’ve been using that command for ages.
Keepassxc is cross-platform, free and open-source. It has also options for iOS and Android.
Both yt-dlp & ffmpeg installed. Then:
yt-dlp --add-metadata -x -f bestaudio/best youtube-url
If you’re not afraid of the terminal, the combination of newsboat and w3m is the quickest option.
I follow Lemmy’s updates via newsboat (a rss terminal client), I don’t need a specific CLI client. Besides, I use newsboat (together with Freshrss) to follow blogs and youtube channels updates. The latter, together with mpv, allows me to watch videos without visiting that data-stealing swamp, all without leaving the terminal.