Hospitals are hyper focused on Cancer Care and surgery because those are the major money makers, especially since older people get free government healthcare. They’re actively closing ob and mental health departments because those are not profitable
Hospitals are hyper focused on Cancer Care and surgery because those are the major money makers, especially since older people get free government healthcare. They’re actively closing ob and mental health departments because those are not profitable
I suppose you could use targeted social media algorithms to target people within a certain area who are service workers who are more likely to see him. So they could theoretically manipulate people into better recognizing him.
I think that the gun and everything else were dumped and found and the cops are saying he had them on him when he didn’t. I think they know it’s him, but they didn’t use legal means to identify him (parallel construction). They might have used some kind of new way of tracking people that they don’t want to reveal to the public.
Fourth option, he’s taking the fall for a love interest.
Scientists working to end West Nile virus by eliminating mosquitos ability to reproduce.
You can also just buy a used laptop or business computer which is infinitely better and cheaper.