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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Jul 26, 2023


Have fun selling 8000 individual CPUs on eBay, so handling, storage, shipping… and even if that is for free it would only be 1/4 of what they paid. Not too mention that flooding the marked will mean the pieces goes down.

over 500 instances of Swedish police personnel leaking classified information. Gang members were briefed regarding ongoing investigations, upcoming raids, or competing gangs.

What the actual fuck. “Allowed themselves to be exploited” my ass, they are the problem and not just poor, exploited police.

If you go back in time like that, many had a name that matched their job.

So are there open source lawn mowers then?

You want an open source, complete system? If you are not willing to do it yourself, the only chance I see is paying someone to do it for you.

To be fair, every ESP32 could do that, and using them is cheap and easy.

I agree, but a change once per decade is not exactly going to kill me.

A few votes are clearly all we need. To me, it looks exactly the opposite: that this is at best a urban legend.

Like the drunken Russian soldiers we get to see dieing? In other words: I doubt it. Is there actual proof for this happening? If so, how would the effect of alcohol be countered?

Why pretend? As long as you do not spam people it should be fine? And spamming is always bad, regardless of the topic.

UIs get worse all the time, very frustrating. Who needs contrast, right? I have good eyes and know exactly where to look. My mother? Holy shit no chance.

Combining 2006 and 2009 would be ideal. High contrast etc.

I did not watch it. I played that game many years ago. I also played other games that die/do the same thing. I also know about many other games that do it. Which is why I am fed up with this nonsense. They are destroying the market for early access the same way advertisers destroy their marked with more and more absurd ads.

Does not matter, it is laughable. These words completely lost their meaning. A game is made public, reaches it’s peak and then slowly drifts into obscurity. So the live cycle of most games. And at the end of that, after many years, it is still not actually released.

At the current rate, that will never happen. 20’000 in 2 months. If they wanted to actually kill them intentionally in masses, they would have done so. The numbers, mind you those from Hamas itself, say otherwise.

What an odd headline. Was that mine lost and they stumbled upon it again? Or did they discover new deposits?

While yes, that is part of the solution, there are also people that simply think that way. They think they are better, that they deserve X, and thus vote that way. Unless you fundamentally change their mind or promise then what they want, you will not get their vote.

So is the pope speaking for/to God or not? Fucking Religions can’t even be consistent within their own made up framework.

Terry Pratchett: Why does Dodger scratch “Kaspar” in the carriage?
In "Dodger" by Terry Pratchett: Why does Dodger scratch "Kaspar" in the carriage of the embassy before setting everything on fire? There is no character I know with that name and if he just randomly picks a German(?) name, why should it remind anyone of him then?