Yep. If I have the ability to run a cable I do.
Yep. If I have the ability to run a cable I do.
When you design your cat car you’ll know.
Holy crap.
I’ve never seen that before; and I’m 58.
I love it.
Fry, is that you?
Give Pop OS a look.
Actually not a shitpost.
If you work at a nursery and people are coming in and telling you they had “this” or “that” tomato plant last year, and they can’t remember what it it there is nothing wrong with that sign. If they can’t remember what they planted the year before that is their problem.
A Green and Black?
Fuck that shit.
It’s not on there. I want a small tablet with a solar recharger. It will be loaded with all of the texts I can find about math and engineering and science.
I saw greenhouse and expected to see a bunch of produce growing.
Color me disappointed.
I agree with you on this. Once you get past the suburbs you can grow. I’m not going to give any links or anything, but all of the old cities and towns used to be ringed by agriculture. It could be viable again.
That’s just me woolgathering.
Yes. Yes it is.