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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Aug 25, 2023


Lol imagine hiring someone cuz they had used a Microsoft tool…smh

Large corps like this barely “work” as in function not labor. There’s like 25 people holding these companies together and not a single fucking one is upper management…

Ok but Fr those little rangers were solid as hell and great little trucks…

But in practice communism ends up the same. The workers had no actual power under Communism. The leaders still took it all.

This just in: Democrats BELIEVE FACTS!!!


The state guard fired on students at Kent State not the cops.

The difference today is kids got guns and will fire back.

Good thing their silly religious stories will never come true.

Imagine being disappointed for eternity.

“we” yeah ok dude. Bet you’re fat af

Yeah who needs checks notes. The cheapest source of great macro vitamins in the store???

You fucking anti milk clowns are so fucking stupid.

This is why I actually give steam support props. They allowed me to access my kids account simply by telling them my other account name and that we probably shared an IP at some point as proof.

I realize it’s probably a security hole but I appreciated that they got my kids account unlocked for me.