I was thinking the photolithography process might be almost as important as the transistor itself. Without the ability to miniaturize transistors and create integrated circuits, we wouldn’t have anywhere near the level of technology we can build now. A computer made of discrete transistors would be way more efficient, reliable, and cheaper than one made with vacuum tubes, but would still be very limited. There are things you fundamentally couldn’t do with even thousands of discrete transistors that became possible once we were able to scale to millions and now billions.
Mullvad is a great VPN though, if Mozilla branding gets more people to use it instead of any of the scummy ones that are everywhere these days, it’s a good thing for privacy, the open web, etc. - the causes Mozilla is supposed to represent. It’s way better aligned with their goals than a lot of the other non-browser stuff they’ve been doing. I’d rather see them profit from that than from nonsense like ‘sponsored stories’ on the homepage.
Drop shipping is a great analogy though - branding and marketing is the only thing Mozilla is bringing to the table as far as I’m aware.