If you think unemployment or SS pay a living wage you have things to go learn
Who will work in the program if they have a worker shortage?
I don’t think you guys thought this out.
I will never have a child if they have to work 5/7ths of their life away just to scrape by like me.
That’s no way to live.
While the alternative is everyone who is unable to wotk is killed anyway by the apathy of the system?
We are doing what you are describing already, in the system we currently live in.
It also addresses people pretending like knocking down statutes and similar moral victories are meaningful progress twoards addressing real problems.
Because we often only phrase things as terrorism when it’s “bad”
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
Instead of creative new games they come up with creative new ways to sue the people making the games Nintendo refuses to make.
Bernie had the largest grassroots campaign in American history and used it to bend the knee to Clinton and then Biden instead of running as an actual leftist candidate like everyone was campaigning for him to
He’s a corrupt CEO of a health insurance company, which are inherently predatory and evil corporations.
So almost all Americans have a motive
The great thing about America is any keyboard warrior can obtain the freedom implements that they need to be the change they want to see.
More will suffer the more social safety nets we cut.
But yeah let’s just ignore that and make excuses for things getting worse.
I’m sure that isn’t unhealthy or counter productive
If you admit to having thoughts of self harm they will have you involuntarily institutionalized
When are people going to realize the Duopoly exists to do the bidding of the rich?
They have a lot of the same donors, they have a lot of the same masters
I think most gamers see a serious difference between ubisoft and Steam.
Ubisoft is a publicly traded company who only exists to make money for shareholders, and Valve is a privately owned company with no plans to go public, so it has no greedy shareholders forcing the company to engage in anti consumer decisions.
Anyone who looks at the two entities can clearly see which is better for the end user.