This should be illegal.
This should be illegal.
This is the same sort of BS that led me to leave Plex. I use Jellyfin now. I know it’s not the same as Roku, or the others, and that’s why I use it.
I’m not contributing to some CEO’s mortgage to be spied on and have my habits commodified.
Actual free market at work, as opposed to the shit we have in the U.S.
I often need to remind myself that Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings are not recent movies.
It’s the same as being a kid in the 80s, which I was, and thinking The Seven Year Itch was a recent movie. Now, I had seen that movie on TV, because my parents liked it, and I thought it was funny, but never did I think of it as “recent”.
Still, you can’t tell me that Harry Potter movies didn’t happen in the last ten years.
We should also get rid of starter motors. Who needs them? We can just hand crank the car to start it, like real men did back in the day.
I use StartPage because it does image search, and none of the AI BS.