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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Aug 29, 2023


random word associations with a theme lol. There’s a lot of cross ties between breastmilk and gaming/freedom/raging fascists etc. If I had a nickel…well it would be just a few of them but still weird that it happens.

Your response is a symptom of a much larger problem you have, misinformation and fear. You’ve presented a weird MSM scenario where everyone is a druggy. You’ve been disconnected from reality and have lost your way from being “stoic”.

“We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality.” – Seneca

Some people don’t clean their ass after they shit, should we not make toilet paper or bidet’s available for the rest of us?

I can’t see the message they replied to because the creator deleted it but I’m not getting what you’re saying and people are upvoting you so there must be something I’m missing. Are you guys buying pc parts with pre-installed OS on them? If it’s used than you’re using the original OS you received the part with?

I was just worried someone might take it to heart without realizing the nuance lol. You or I may do well, but someone asking such a broad question like finding a partner probably doesn’t have that much social awareness (it’s been answered so many times and really all boils down to the individuals or specific situations like the scenarios we presented). I was just imagining a guy walking around in cargo shorts with socks and sandals awkwardly screaming “hi” at everyone with a pair of orange earplugs sticking out.

Yeah does anyone else wonder if this screams of incompetence from upper management? OP was ONLY able to get the disks, RAM, CPUs and Network Card. Sounds like someone higher up gave the “ok” just thinking the “Server” frame was the important part security wise. It would be an interesting scenario to see if the data center was able to upgrade the system while keeping all of the base components compatible and everything under cost or if this was just a screw up.

All valid points made in an academic setting. I think the general consensus, and the points other users are trying to make, involve more transparency and proper presenting of the facts in their statements. I have parroted the “oh you should try proton, they’re more private and secure” to other people. This is a factual but misleading statement without the nuance of higher OPSEC fundamentals.

Just look at their main landing page for proton mail.

  • Proton Mail’s end-to-end encryption and zero-access encryption ensure only you can see your emails. Not even Proton can view the content of your emails and attachments.

  • Proton Mail protects you from these digital spies and prevents companies from monitoring you.

  • your data is protected by some of the world’s strictest privacy laws.

  • From newsrooms, activists, and international organizations to academics, Nobel Prize winners, and movie characters, Proton Mail is the trusted choice for secure and private communication. Join over 100 million people worldwide who believe their online privacy is worth protecting.

A common user will look at this and believe that by just having this account, they will be protected. There is no asterisk* beside e-mail recovery explaining the dangers of linking to another e-mail. In fact, a lot of their services promote linking e-mail because you can’t use third party verification if you haven’t setup your recovery e-mail and/or cell phone verification. I ran into this trying to help an older relative who’s paranoid about online accounts, ended up being more hoops and they were dissuaded because it always come down to “enter more information to continue…privately ;)”

The front landing page should have a section explaining everything that’s being said here with vpn’s, alternative e-mails, and how to really protect yourself with anonymity. To a lot of people, Private+Secure=Anonymous. It’s not accurate, but unless you already know the things you have to do to protect your identity, it’s not very clear on what the average person should do.

… So you’re at a concert, wandering around the crowd (with earplugs) just conspicuously sliding up to different spots and striking up conversations with attractive people while they’re enjoying the performance? I would emphasize you want something more like a festival where there are multiple events and people have down time in-between to socialize. A normal concert would be like wearing sunglasses to a theater and moving around to get “the best viewing spot” while talking to everyone which is creepy as hell and not a good setting to strike up an actual conversation.

Idk about everyone else, but I think the issue is something like the “oh so you hate capitalism but participate in it?” meme.

An argument for agency can be made either for or against, but for most it boils down to the reality of the society you’re trying to exist in. It’s just a huge distraction that you’ve created along with others for anecdotal conversations. This is a US sitting democratic president calling insults to allies during a time-period where conflict is on the rise, while completely negating any resolutions that could impede the death being caused.

We could talk about Biden’s own xenophobia with the immigration and border response. His past with the crime bill and other negative legislation. The fact that the entire Democratic Party is xenophobic to anyone outside of their party including the “poor” or progressive strangers they fear so much, like we saw with the recent condemnation of the protests against Palestinian genocide.

Instead you’ve made 10+ comments bringing up other countries to blame, links back to other comments in this thread, boasting about taking a basic Econ class and proclaiming you’ve won because a couple of people upvoted you. I understand your argument, it’s just not valid at this time or during this discussion and you’re trying to force it with hostility till people “get it”.

What’s your method for determining quality reviews on a product?
I've officially concluded I'm at a loss for how to determine if a product is worth it's cost anymore. - Brand loyalty with local retailers is non-existent anymore, big box stores etc all seem to be switching manufacturers and I can't buy the same products that were offered before - Online reviews are no longer reliable. On site, it's paid reviews by "special" users who are given perks to review. Off site it's paid affiliation links, all of which scream "conflict of interest" to an actual honest review. - Ratings are no longer functional. I can view 20+ products and all 1 star reviews or even 5 star reviews just look like copy/paste from competitors or their own employees. Every product has the same reviews now. - Quality Control is gone. It's all being mass produced with no oversight, it's a hit or miss type of ordering now. What's perfect for one person, another person will get defective products repeatedly (even auto parts, store brand tools do the same thing) - Return windows are a joke, or you pay extra so you can return something defective after 30 days. This doesn't always mean the product is less defective, but if it does then they've just hidden their full product cost in extra "charges". - Less often, companies quality tank when switching manufacturers or lowering production costs. I have no clue how to officially keep up with this unless it's random friends/co-workers or a forum post I stumble onto. So, besides paying 10x-20x more for a high priced company to hold my hand and apologize for every mistake they make (and they sometimes still ship defective products), what are some effective methods you've used to purchase a decent product that will perform for the entirety of it's intended lifetime?

I guess my mind automatically excluded it because of the demon aspect being somewhat horror related (though it’s a completely mild movie in terms of graphic violence) but it definitely deserves to be on this list. Partner watched it for the first time few months back and loved it (they hate horror and generally prefer family genre), just a generally great movie that keeps you intrigued and was a great change from stream-binging style entertainment.

If a tool or machine can simply be unplugged, and the worker performing the service remains in control of the plug, then lockout procedures aren’t necessary.

I’m only replying for visibility at this point because of the upvotes and the dangerous scenarios that are being promoted with this advice. Breaker with LOTO would be more acceptable but even then I wouldn’t trust it. People have been killed because something was wired up wrong and circuits were accidentally connected (meaning breakers off but currents still going from a connection down the line to another breaker, it can appear that the circuit is dead until a switch is flipped sending current and happens in home lighting constantly). Also, someone can simply plug the device into another outlet leaving them with a death on their hands.

I know it’s dramatic and these are just comments, but something like this could save or take a life. I’ve seen too many workplace accidents and refuse to work in unsafe conditions or environments anymore even if it costs me the job. Last unsafe worksite I was in, nearly all of the workers walked out together when we arrived in the morning to start at a new site and saw what the project manager had in store for us (probably helped that the owner was hated and payroll had been getting screwed up for weeks). I’ll never forget that day and still keep in contact with most of them. We are all waiting and scared for the day a mass casualty is reported from the shitty work they were trying to make us do (some did report it to the authorities, but never heard what came of those reports).

Only if the breaker has it’s own system for LOTO. You guys are going to get people killed lol.

Holy fuck why is that so beautiful. You’ve unlocked something in me I didn’t know was there and must pursue now.

huh TIL.

Radio frequency – RF waves do not respond to the dead layer of skin on the outside of your finger – the part that might be chapped or too dry to be read with much accuracy – and instead reads only the living tissue underneath. This produces an extremely precise image of your print, and ensures that a severed finger is completely useless… This means that the Touch ID sensor should be remarkably accurate for living creatures, but it also means that only a finger attached to a beating heart will be able to unlock it. source

I’m not delusional with righteousness to the point where I don’t get what you’re saying. Obviously we’re all having conversations involving the nuances so it’s a legitimate debate. It’s late and I’m having trouble breaking it down into a short reply without a wall of text so hopefully you’ll fill in the gaps of my meaning.

I suppose it depends on what “hat” you’re wearing. Are we individuals surviving and trying to continue in a turbulent society like 99% of the populace, or are we participating and forming a society we wish to see our younger generations take over? No matter my rhetoric, I don’t fault anyone for the actions they take in today’s world so don’t take anything I say personally. That being said, “land” is a finite resource. There is no getting over or around that. It’s a simple physics matter that everyone is just glossing over for their financial portfolio. These are the “Oil Baron’s Lite” of the old world brought to the new. You can’t think of the new world without the realization that the world is getting smaller over time. I refuse to believe anyone is that dense when it comes to physical manifestations, the “world pie” in being continually split up amongst the more fortunate.

Same with the company. Sure, owning a small portion of a profitable company is fucking fantastic in today’s eyes and society. Look at Hershey or Apple with the continued labor practices everyone promotes with purchases. You would be financially insane to say those are bad companies to be invested in. Is that the end to the societal metric though? Profit over outcome? Which is your formula, “Past societal norms + societal progression” or “societal progression + Future societal norms”.

The past “Venture Capitalist” in the 1920’s might’ve gotten away without knowing where the actual “labor” or environmental degradation of your invested companies profit might impact or subjugate from. In the 2020’s though? You’re either reaping too much of a profit to care, or you’re too lazy to do due diligence so you’re not worried about the actual risk of an investment after all.

Co-op housing are not all rental apartments. They come as single family dwellings, town houses, apartments, everything in between. It’s about how they’re used and regulated for the communities and individuals sake instead of an investor. You could find an appropriate housing style for all walks of life within co-ops, even those more private and secluded types.

I’m not sure what angle you’re coming from here. Anything with a risk involved is inherently not bad? or the origin of the investment capital was morally sound, so the profit off the investment must also be morally sound? I’m not even going to touch on the fundamentals and optics of the stock market at this point and what it has done to the economy, business practices, enshittification, etc etc.

There are some interesting scenarios I’ve seen contracted out that you might be interested in.

Scenario: Co-op housing, you lease a lot with housing (based on your desired price point) with a 100-year lease. You may “purchase” a portion of the capital that the co-op housing has on your leased property (lets say 100k value property). The invested money can be used for loans or other means (like how capital can be used for leverage) through the co-op (think State-employee-credit-unions which are co-ops themselves). Any interest or value accrued while maintaining that lease is passed onto the signer of that lease. Aka, 100k property sold 20 years later for 200k you receive a 100k “buyout” from the co-op if you’re leaving.

Heavily regulated with plenty of stipulations of course so nefarious actors and “flippers” don’t buy. The co-op retains the property for future housing even if you die at 118. Have seem family clauses so it can be passed down as well. There’s just so many versatile and victimless situations that can be created which have the community and the individual in mind for fairness.

You created value when you made the room suitable for someone else’s use rather than your own.

The “Value” of the room was created when it was constructed and taxed. The “additional value” of a remodel will be reflected in the tax statements and property value (which is usually a return when sold). The room always had value, just not as a business asset which you want. These comments and the ones below are some of the craziest mental gymnastics I’ve seen this year. “but the landlord is my hero and stopped me from freezing by charging me 150% on the only place I can afford because all the real mean landlords took all the other houses”. It’s a scam, a con. A lord and serf arrangement carried on through centuries of oppression. It’s a grift, has been since it’s inception. Which came first, a house or a landlord? Which one was necessary and which one was created with excess capital that was distributed unequally?

That sounds exactly like a housing co-op, you’re usually part landlord in that situation as a member of that community (much like electric co-ops and worker owned business co-ops). They are by far the best type of situation for people who don’t want to take on the full responsibility of “owning” the house themselves as it’s spread out between all the members and the “agreement” usually is a 100 year contract. If it’s through the government strictly with subsidies etc I guess it’s more of socialized housing, either way those two don’t fit the description of a profit driven landlord that OP was suggesting above.

The only other form of housing that I think is legitimate in our dystopian future is Rent to Own where all rent is collected into an account which will purchase the house at a contracted set price (maybe add negotiations for remodeling etc but with outside mediators so no one is getting bamboozled). If you don’t want to help someone get into permanent housing, then don’t buy additional properties.

They’re all bad. Full stop. You’re rationalizing with “just”. That lovely lady would’ve downsized or eventually would’ve had a full-time resident (even a friend or family), there is absolutely zero incentive while she’s able to take advantage of the situation. Is she a registered business and paying taxes like all the other short term stay? That second guy, come on, you’re really not that blind right? No one is willing to PAY what he wants for that rental. He can get that price point he wants with short term rentals.

I hate the housing narrative because everyone plays real fucking coy when it comes to their scenario. Do we have a housing shortage crisis or not? Do we have housing for all immigrants or for refugees across the world? Is rent and housing prices sky rocketing because of demand? Like wtf, any defense is just a pity story “think about the rich people with their easy life, we might be them one day!” Every single fucker in here defending renting just wants an easy scam to get rich and hates to see their future “dream” squashed like that.

So fucking tired of this clout chasing-instance hating bullshit. There’s fucking morons from every instance, I’m looking at one from .works right now. Reminds me of the laziest and most pathetic parts of reddit, like it’s a joke comment but with a little touch of actual hate speech in it.

Pop was a great stepping stone for my apple-fanatic of a partner. Installed on media tower for the main T.V. and now they’re actually seeing the value in replacing the apple tv in the bedroom for something more customizable with protections (the ads alone on youtube are so blatantly horrible that it’s a completely different experience viewing the same video from different rooms now). When we started getting ads on our paid-subscribed services, the whole “subscriber eco-system” those devices are based on just completely became obsolete when we started cancelling one service at a time. I feel bad for the little apple device though, it’s got some impressive hardware for it’s packaging. Gonna have to see what I can do to make it useful again one day with a second life use.

Is this like a sound scientific theory that has some relevance to modern times? I could list off a myriad of “this thing has never existed in human history” making current times unique and possibly different when looking at cultural nuances. I get what you’re saying totally, but this is a new era of history with the formation of Alliances like NATO and the EU that has really just started in regards to our span of time. Also, we tend to only hear about the “bloody” years of a society. One war can outshine hundreds or thousands of years with prosperity and peace so the whole doom thing seems like fear mongering.

I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make unless you’re saying no one has to create a Discord account, or have to download an app, or have to find an invite to locate the server. My keys are auto-generated and auto-saved, simple 20 second process. Forums are also a lot easier to sign up for than Discord, if you’re worried about making another account I don’t know what to tell ya because every service requires it.

If you can’t grasp it, that’s on you. It’s also why purity moralizing isn’t useful

oh ok, thanks for the clarification.

If people are not stepping up to do the community management and infrastructure work, I will go with the past of least resistance.

That’s basically it in a nut shell, path of least resistance. Doesn’t refute any claims made in the article or arguments presented here. Just a shame another company has a stranglehold on a whole category of services that have to be used to participate in society … while developing FOSS.

The discussion seems very muddled and opinionated ITT because I’m not even sure if you’re talking about a Discord Server or a forum/communication platform on a dedicated server. You might be able to slap together a Discord server faster, but the organizational power and not putting that extra work on users for Discord participation makes forum’s superior. Part of the project development is sysadmin. If it’s not, why take it FOSS at all? Discord is designed to take up your time, those pretty bots and “perks” keep you viewing. What could’ve been a well thought out message on a board with a reply now becomes 20+ texts which you’re stuck communicating on. Rinse and repeat every day, on a forum you simply link the previous conversation and you’re done.

I think it’s a neutral wash atm, Discord may be packaged better to be mainstream but it’s bloat all around with lots of negatives. Anyone saying Discord is better is just preference at this point, lots of counterintuitive comments like we need “real-time” communication but also anything else takes up project development, like Discord is some kind of time saver.

I think you might just be blinded by Discord for some reason. I’m not sure what “niche” you’re referring to with Discord that can’t be provided with forums (unless you’re worried about cosmetics I guess?). There are forums with real-time communications like chat, notifications, direct-messaging. I’m not trying to argue, getting your perspective is always helpful and might show something I’m missing, but your responses seem vague and not really a counter-point.

I guess we have different perspectives. Ease, convenience = forums, existing userbase? = Do you prefer Reddit for this reason?, familiarity = forums lol, search-ability = forums, privacy = forums, etc etc.

? What’s the difference between setting up a free forum (they’re everywhere) versus setting up Discord channels? It’s the exact same process.

From a link someone provided above it seems legit.

the motorcycle used 28% less fuel than the comparable decade car and emitted 30% fewer carbon dioxide emissions, but it emitted 416% more hydrocarbons, 3,220% more oxides of nitrogen and 8,065% more carbon monoxide. The MythBusters’ conclusion: ‘At best, it’s a wash. Motorcycles are just as bad for the environment as cars,’ Savage said on the show. ‘At worst, they’re far worse.’

I recognize it’s not an official study, but seems to be more concrete than anecdotal evidence and changed my perspective some. The article also quotes a researcher at UC Riverside which makes more sense on what’s going on

‘We’ve been working to clean up passenger vehicles since the ‘70s,’ said Kent Johnson, who’s on the research faculty at UC Riverside and is director of its emissions lab, where the MythBusters’ numbers were analyzed. ‘We’ve been putting on catalytic converters and sensors to improve their ability to control emissions. We didn’t start doing that on motorcycles until the 2000s. It just shows you how far we’ve taken passenger vehicles and how difficult it is to do the same thing with motorcycles. First of all, there’s no room. And the incremental cost might double the price of a bike.’


That doesn’t sound plausible like you said. Either you’re way off the average living expenses/wages or have your formulas wrong.

Is that necessary to clear up though? It’s a perfectly fine anecdotal statement that doesn’t require exacts unless you’re just trying to argue they’re wrong. No one else is having problems responding with the information provided.

give them for washing

I get the gist of what you’re saying but that’s a really weird way to put it. Do you not do your own laundry or do you treat your bin as sentient and pretend it’s not you doing the washing later (this is my favorite interpretation)?

That’s a shame, you could’ve selected the martial arts skill instead from the rat.

Another video you (and @FunderPants@lemmy.ca, @Grayox@lemmy.ml, @Holyhandgrenade@lemmy.world) might enjoy is Chill Goblin’s take on “Oliver Anthony, Welfare, and Blair Mountain”. Oliver Anthony is the artist who did “Rich Men North of Richmond” and it’s a really great breakdown with historical contexts from the mining union wars to the Reagan Era of “Welfare Queens”.