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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


As a Dart developer myself you won’t have any problem with VS code and Dart. Actually, it’s a bit better than on Windows because it was originally not much of a windows centric system anyways

What? VS Code is available on Linux and that’s what they’re using

Unironically give me a vacation in a DPRK village away from the internet, I will jump on the fucking plane right now

In this comment section I have found my people


At this point you can write the circuitry in SPICE and the chips in Verilog and simulate the whole old console clock by clock down to the transistor level and still get a playable game out of it

Of course this is only viable until say… before the 3D era or so

Sure, the absolutely most blatant stuff can be detected, BUT

Stuff like aimbots and wallhacks are still very doable even in the presence of serverside anticheat. And for MMOs, the cheats used are different in nature, autofarms and scripts exist

Look at FairFight anti cheat for example, your fucking holy grail serverside garbage. People still developed aimhacks for it

But what do I know, some Lemmy dweebs apparently cracked the fucking holy grail code of developing anticheats, you guys should send some job applications lmfao

No, I’m not an AI technro, and this doesn’t have fuck all to do with LLMs, but with today’s sophisticated cheats if you want serverside anti cheat, that’s just a fancy way of saying behavior verification, and if you can do it without some sort of adaptive system then good luck mate

I also don’t give a shit about pretending to be in the game, mate I’m a developer and I would love nothing more than getting another degree and kissing this garbage field goodbye

A lot of Chinese phones use Snapdragon, so you can rest easy knowing Chinese companies don’t have access to your location or some other bullshit

Meanwhile NSA has their hands so far up your ass you need a guest appearance on The Muppets

This entire “technological sinophobia” is nothing but the evolution of yellow peril racism

No, but they actually do write some patches and they also do all the menial work, testing and verification to keep a piece of software serviceable for 10 years

If you think it’s easy, go and attempt it yourself. The greatest cure for people talking shit about needed effort, according to my experience…

Red Hat and SUSE also charge for extended support, it’s literally the only fucking way to make money off of a distro

Canonical still offers 5 years standard at the enormous cost of 0.0$

Read the original blog post. The slower devices are the biggest devices some parts of the world rely on because they can’t afford anything better. This makes them excluded from the “modern” web.

Didn’t the Assad chemical weapons turn out to be another Kuwait Propaganda moment lmao (some other group was actually responsible)

A lot of butthurt techbros getting cockblocked here lmao

“half the missiles failed on launch” not even the western propaganda is saying this, where do you get your news? Fucking IDF HQ?

HAHAHAHAHHA I can’t believe y’all still believe this propaganda about Iran when Iran successfully bombarded two airbases that host F35s and are armed with the best AA arrays the western MIC can pump out

Also, Israel wasted about a billion dollars and still got hit, this is a win of it’s own

A company that’s using Windows Server is not hiring the brightest mfers

Almost any Unix can be an alternative for Windows Server. Never understood why it was used, other than tech illiteracy of lowly tech workers who only knew MS stack.

There are 5 million ways to configure windows and each have an absurd and almost by-design level of convolution. You can’t possibly expect people to know about a new GPO immediately

I got that coffee script reference

What a mad lad. His legend is spoken to this day

having a stable base helps. Also, config breakage can happen without user intervention. See Gentoo or Arch’s NOTICE updates

That’s the same on ANY platform, but windows is far worse because most apps ship a DLL and -never- update the damn thing. With Linux, it’s a little bit more transparent. (edit: unless you do the stupid shit and link statically, but again in the brave new world of Rust and Go having 500 Mb binaries for a 5 Kb program is acceptable)

Also, applications use the API/ABI of a particular library. Now, if the developers of the said library actually change something in the library’s behavior with an update, your app won’t work it no more unless you go and actually update your own code and find everything that’s broken.

So as you can understand, this is a maintenance burden. A lot of apps delegate this to a later time, or something that happens sometimes with FOSS is that the app goes unmaintained somewhat, or in some cases the app customizes the library so much, that you just can’t update that shit anymore. So you fix on a particular version of the library.

Because the older alternatives are hacky, laggy, buggy, and quite fundamentally insecure. X.Org’s whole architecture is a mess, you practically have to go around the damn thing to work it (GLX). It should’ve been killed in 2005 when desktop compositing was starting to grow, but the FOSS community has a way with not updating standards fast enough.

Hell, that’s kinda the reason OpenGL died a slow death, GL3 had it released properly would’ve changed everything

Debian systems are verified to work properly without subtle config breakages. You can run Debian practically unattended for a decade and it’s chug along. For people who prefer their device to actually work, and not just be a maintenance princess, it’s ideal.

Brother the shit they say over there is fucking vile

It’s one of those jokes that’s only a joke if it starts trouble, however in other circumstances they are stone cold sober Blood and Soil off brand knockoff Nazis

“free world” has the same weight here as “state’s rights”

Downvote and move on, but just like the American genocide in Iraq, you will realize I’m right in ~20 years

VSCode with a shitload of extensions pretty much does the job

First car’s like the first girl. You always get new sweethearts but shit just ain’t feel like the first time you fall in love.