Yeah. I’m like Animal Mother. A piece of shit until stuff goes really wrong then I am a great motivated problem solver.
Yeah. I’m like Animal Mother. A piece of shit until stuff goes really wrong then I am a great motivated problem solver.
King motherfucking Gordy
Having to search out codecs even, that was a big thing back in the day. My entire school was passing around videos on floppies an cds and learning about codecs to play the Pamela Anderson tape it seemed like. Years after it was on vhs I think
The first 24’ truck I learned in was a manual. Hated it but felt like a pimp shifting without the clutch.
What do you engineer because I am going to stay away from that product.
I got a quote from a local big roofing place for my garage 12 years ago and they made me watch a video of the owner crying about his dead dad then threw out a $4500 quote. I just didn’t do the roof. Fast forward to 2023 and I get an actual roofer to do the roof and replace wood because I waited too long. The price of building materials was sky high, it was $2500. Probably the same guys they subcontract.
Run it Herb.
I’m all for it.
I’m going to infringe copyright so hard.
I turn that shit off. It’s so obnoxious that I don’t even care to look for the kids.
Most millennials care. I’m just over us. Humans deserve the slap down coming.
Never did like Jack Black.
Yep, that’s where I’m at.
Meeting the kids are why I don’t care about global warming anymore.
When I was a teenager the local mall made it quite clear that they didn’t want teenagers in the mall. I think it just stuck for a lot of us.
I’m never gonna have a lot of money but at least I had more time to myself.
I would buy 15 bullets and see how many fit in my head.
It’s a study not a therapy session.