My parents are fed up with windows 11 slowing down their old HP desktop to near unusable levels. It is so bad that the right click menu can take up to 6 seconds to load. Anyway I created a free 900GB ext4 partition that I want to install to but how do I get the fedora KDE installer to detect that free space (sda6)?
What did you use to create the partition? Free space that is listed would be space that is not formatted or allocated in the partition table at all, it doesn’t really know if that space is available to take or is being used.
Also, having the partition (probably the entire drive actually since you’ll need to edit the partition table) mounted while you are trying to edit the partitions can cause issues.
It looks like you’ve created a partition for Linux - you need to delete this partition. Leave it as “unallocated” or “free space”. Then the Fedora installer will see it as space it can install to. The installer will handle creating the actual partition.
Did you click on the ‘Refresh’ button (last image, toolbar)? What happens if you click the yellow-ish area labelled with ‘sd6’ there?
sd6 is the free ext4 partition i wanted to install to that won’t get detected. Fedora only detects 10 MiB free and if you check the partitiona in tge installer in the second image, it’s under ‘unknown’ ratger than where I want as free space for some reason
Check my other comment. sda6 is there.
sda6 is the fourth one (after sda3) in the list on the bottom picture. The partitions seem to be physically in that order, but labeled differently, as they were created. You can reorder the labels but it’s also fine left alone AFAIK.
I know where sda6 is what I need is to tell the installer that specific partition is where I want to install fedora
What I mean by not detected is that the counter for free space at the bottom says 10MiB only. I want to tell the installer to go there for install
I’ve never installed fedora specifically but…
Anyway I created a free 900GB ext4 partition
It’s either ext4 or free, can’t be both. Now, if it was ext4, Fedora would for sure detect it as such, so I’m not sure what it is.
I assume you would want to click on sda6 in the installer, then the “-” button to delete whatever is there, and then it would recognize it as available space.