Based on QEMU+KVM so it’s quite robust. It works pretty well, plus it has various little features working out of the box that in some other software is a pain in the arse to configure.
Sticks out a bit on my system due to still being GTK3, but there is a GTK4 prototype out that usually works well.
E: downvoting anybody who says Gnome Boxes because you use a different virtual machine frontend is laughably pathetic lmao. Some people in the Linux community are such losers lol
Gnome boxes.
Based on QEMU+KVM so it’s quite robust. It works pretty well, plus it has various little features working out of the box that in some other software is a pain in the arse to configure.
Sticks out a bit on my system due to still being GTK3, but there is a GTK4 prototype out that usually works well.
E: downvoting anybody who says Gnome Boxes because you use a different virtual machine frontend is laughably pathetic lmao. Some people in the Linux community are such losers lol
Does it matter what front end it uses if the underlying environment is QEMU+KVM. Upvote for tha above.
It doesn’t work for all cases and it is annoying that you have to wait until creation to change CPU count.