I am fairly familiar with Linux, I’ve been using different distros for some years now and have done some config editing here and there. I am also a web developer and use the terminal quite a lot and so I always stumble on people’s recommendation to use tmux and how good it is, but I never really understood what it does and, in layman’s terms, how can it be useful and for what use cases.
Can you guys please enlight me a bit on this?
Thank you.
Edit: if my phrasing is a bit awkward or confusing I apologize since I am not an English native speaker. (Maybe that’s why I never fully grasped what tmux is from other explanations xD)
Not every terminal emulator has window splitting capabilities. Some, like Alacritty, specifically expect you to run a program like tmux if you want this functionality. Splitting within tmux also makes it vastly easier to multitask on a remote host via SSH: if you run a remote tmux, every split window is already running on the same remote host, no need to log in again and again.