I feel so tired after half a day of work, never mind working a full day. After a couple of weeks of this, when i get home, i have no energy left for anything. Even things I usually enjoy.
Everything feels like a drag at that point and I can’t seem to do anything to improve this.
Doing this for a few more months usually ends up with me having to quit my job or i will get so tired and sick I can’t do anything anymore.
How to deal with this?
Here it’s quite typical to have a 30 min break for lunch.
But that’s just spent on getting food, eating and returning to the office.
It just doesn’t feel enough for me on a given day.
And I’m really bad at figuring out how to take short breaks like my colleagues do. Having a 10 min talk with coworkers doesn’t really feel like a break. And I often don’t know how long and what kind of things are acceptable, so I tend to avoid taking any breaks.
Sounds stupid, but there is just some kind of underlying fear that I can’t get out of my head. And having less time to work on my actual responsibilities make that more stressful as well.