It wasn’t great but I remember distinctly - it worked well enough after a few weeks and I’ve literally never missed a day playing since. Compared to other game ‘services’ it stays out of the way, doesn’t eat memory and works. at the time, I worked for a software company that shipped physical box copies and tried to convince them that this was the future - nope. It was a fad or for games only. Sigh.
Well… I did. And i can still say that first Steam app was a steaming pile of crap.
It wasn’t great but I remember distinctly - it worked well enough after a few weeks and I’ve literally never missed a day playing since. Compared to other game ‘services’ it stays out of the way, doesn’t eat memory and works. at the time, I worked for a software company that shipped physical box copies and tried to convince them that this was the future - nope. It was a fad or for games only. Sigh.