Hello Everyone!
(Post got too long, if you want to skip, game names are in bold, you can just read those)
June is ending, and July is starting. For the US folks, that means 4th of July is coming! Another day to just play games, without worrying about work or school!
I am still playing The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kindgom, about 75 hours in and very near the end, will probably finish it soon. Would have to wait and see, if I lose interest in rest of the stuff after finishing the main story, or want to keep exploring and doing other stuff. Details next, move to next paragraph, if you want to skip. I have done the last regional quest, I originally wanted to go back to exploring after that, but after getting all Tears and completing all regional quest, I wanted to focus on story and see how it ends, so left everything and went to the Castle. Haven’t reached the final boss yet, but I think I am near the end now.
In non-Nintendo games, played a bit of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge with my kid. We both had lots of fun with it, and going to continue playing it when we both have time. Only complaint I have is that 2nd player doesn’t earn any trophies, but that isn’t a big issue for me.
Also played a little of Monster Hunter: World, and I must say, Capcom, improve your multiplayer setup! It’s so confusing. Only the host can watch cut-scene, and you can’t play a mission whose cut-scene you haven’t watched. So, if 4 players are playing, they all have to start the story mission separately, then during the mission when you come across the monster first time, there’s a cut scene, after you have watched cut scene, all of you must abandon the quest and then one person can host the mission again and everyone else can join it. (Or all person except one can leave their mission and join that person’s mission mid-way). Took us more than an hour to figure all that out. Not counting that, the game is really fun, but still not sure if we are going to stick to it.
Other than that, Marvel’s Avengers is leaving PS+ Extra on 12 July. I usually don’t prioritize games based on when they are leaving, but the game is shutting down in September and I don’t want to spend money on it. So, even though I don’t want to start another game right now, I am going to give it a try. The campaign is only 12 or so hours, and I have heard it is fun enough. So, plan to start it too. Not sure if I’ll play the full campaign, but I want to give it a try.
So, what about all of you? What are you playing?
Edit: June doesn’t have 31 days! facepalm
I’m going to finish Pikmin and then start Pikmin 2.
I’m feeling a real nostalgia hit at the moment for the GameCube so hopefully I can get stuck in to some favourites too!
What are your favourites from GameCube era?
not this weekend but next weekend, i am hoping to get the harvest moon remake and maybe we love katamari remake. loved these games as a kid so a lot of nostalgia there.
Sounds fun!
I finished Tears of the Kingdom today! The ending is very sweet. I enjoyed the game immensely and I’m glad I spent so long wandering around, because I needed every last heart for the final boss!
Wow. That’s great to know. With how the story progresses, I wasn’t sure if it will have a good ending, but I guess it’s Nintendo, so I shouldn’t have been too worried.
I remember talking to someone here how BotW boss was so easy and I wish TotK boss isn’t like that. Maybe I shouldn’t have wished for that 😃 I haven’t reached the final boss, but I did face the one before that.
Phantom Ganon
and it wasn’t a very easy fight, if the final boss is tougher, I can understand needing enough health.
I just got the Harvest Moon remake on switch and it’s been great. It’s still difficult but they added in more to the plot with the wonders. Oh and they yassified Gordy.
I never played the original, how would you say the game is, for someone who has no nostalgia for it, and has played some of the modern farming games?
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen
It’s one of my favourite RPG, still listen to to the title music sometimes. The game-play, the combat, the pawn system. Loved it all. And with the sequel releasing soon, it’s the best time to play it.
I’m playing Mario Galaxy in the 3D All Stars bundle. Pretty great game so far :)
Nice. Is this your first time playing it, or have you played the original before?
I skipped on 3D All Stars bundle on principle, didn’t like the idea of limited time release to force everyone to buy right now. Would give it a try if it’s ever available in non-limited release.
First time! I played galaxy 2 when I was younger but because I was a kid when those games came out I kinda just played whatever I got for chistmas/birthdays lol.
Heh, yeah, that’s how most of us did when we were kids.
So, how will you compare it with Odyssey?
I’ve been on Visual Novel mood, finished Robotics;Notes Elite earlier this week (which was excellent!) and started playing the sequel, Robotics;Notes DaSH. Just completed Phase 02 of the sequel, and managed to unlock the five different routes that branch from this point.
However, so far DaSH has been a disappointment. The plot of the early portions of the game is just terrible, and Daru’s perverted jokes get old really fast with him as the main character. Since there are hints of some bigger conspiracy behing the nonsense of these early parts of the game I’ll hold my judgment until I finish the game, but it’ll have to be some really great twist to make up for this painful start.
I am an avid reader, but for some reason I haven’t been able to get into Visual Novels. What would you say is the easiest visual novel to get into?
One of the aspects I don’t like much is replaying it multiple times to get the full picture. I can live with missing out on different endings, as long as it makes you feel that you have finished it.
One of the aspects I don’t like much is replaying it multiple times to get the full picture.
Most (all?) modern VNs have some kind of “skip read text” function so you can get quickly to the parts of the story you haven’t read yet, but I’ll give some suggestions assuming this is something you also dislike using.
I’ll also be assuming you want to play on the Switch. Anyway, there’s several ways to go.
There’s something called “Kinetic Novels”, VNs that don’t have any choices/branches. I haven’t played it yet, but Witch on the Holy Night is a highly-regarded game of this type that just got a Switch release. There’s also a demo which you can try.
There are games like Raging Loop that have multiple branches you’re required to go through to get the “true” ending, but also feature a very convenient in-game flowchart that lets you know where the branches are and allow you to jump straight to any choice, so the whole “reading the same thing multiple times” is kept to a minimum. This one is my usual recommendation for VN beginners.
If you don’t mind using a guide there’s some games with only one “good” ending that don’t require multiple playthroughs if you make the right choices. The House in Fata Morgana is a fantastic choice if you want to go with this route.
A similar idea of “use a guide” works for some of the games that have multiple endings but the “true” ending is reachable with a single playthrough. I know this is the case for Steins;Gate.
Games that have branches but no “true” ending might work, I know that the first Grisaia game is like this and I think this is also the case for Aokana. The Grisaia sequels kinda assume you played all of the routes from the first game, but getting the different endings is very easy anyway since there’s only a few choices - just save at each one of them and try different answers.
Funny thing, had never heard of Witch on the Holy Night before, but just came across an article mentioning it sold over 150K copies. Nice!
It’s from the same author as Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night, and I believe it’s the first novel from this author to get an official english release.
Ahan, that’s interesting. It’s price is a bit more than what I want to spend on a VN right now, but going to add it to my dekudeals wishlist, and check it out on next sale.
Thanks for the recommendations and the info!
Thanks for such a detailed response. I am saving the comment and going to look up all of these.
Nothing this weekend. Going to spend next Saturday night trying to get past the technodrome level in TMNT Shredders Revenge.
Hey, it’s already next week, got a bit late with the thread. 😀
I haven’t reached the technodrome level, but the way you are mentioning it, is it hard?
Ha yea, didn’t notice that. Yea, it’s rough. I hadn’t problems til I reached it
No worries. Have fun!
Just finished TOTK after like 150 hours. Now I’m moving on to Master Detective Rain Code!
Master Detective Rain Code looks great, do share your opinion next week.
GTA Online with my friend who only has an Xbox. I bought an Xbox and XBL just to game with him and he only plays sporadically every few months so I hop on when I can. After he gets back to not playing again I will go back to TOTK.
That’s good. Playing with friends is important. Have fun!
Also on TotK, slightly behind you. Finished the fourth regional quest but haven’t reported back to Purah yet.
!Spoiler alert! My plans are to do that, then the Korok forest, followed by the extra tear and the fifth sage (who I had stumbled upon before even finishing my second temple). Then I’ll just… dick around for months instead of going to the castle. :D
Ah, interesting. BTW you can use spoilers tag, for spoilers
I haven’t done much sky islands, so didn’t stumble upon the fifth sage quest. And I don’t know what’s there to do in Korok forest, since I haven’t been there, but will check it out after finishing the game.
Basically the same as me. I finally went to Purah and most of the dialogue was “Ohh you already did that?”
I still have only have half of the depths explored, and finally have hero quest to figure out which sky Islands I haven’t visited.
I wish they would recognize more quests though. I had done all the Tears, and I knew about Zelda, but still, all dialogues are, along the line of no one knowing what happened to Zelda.
Yeah my head cannon is that news doesn’t travel at all throughout Hyrule (even with the newspaper), so that’s why no one knows about Zelda.
Yeah, well, I don’t care about other people not knowing, it’s Link not telling them, when he keeps going around telling everyone, from kings to stable boy about what happened to Zelda, when we meet them first.
Anyways, it’s not a big deal. Zelda is mainly an action-adventure game, not a RPG, so I can ignore these things.
I’m still in the middle of TOTK. It’s been fantastic, but in trying to savor the moment. I’ve also started playing Rocket League on my PC again. It’s nice to jump into an arena and get my butt kicked🤣
Yeah, TotK is not a game that you should rush through. How far along are you in the game?
Rocket League is very fun, but it has a very high skill ceiling. The people who are good in it, are VERY good, they are flying around, doing things you don’t even know are possible in the game. It’s still a fun game though.
I’ll be shooting bugs in mines with dwarves in Deep Rock Galactic. ROCK AND STONE!
I played one or two missions of Deep Rock Galactic, didn’t enjoy much playing solo, but I have heard it can be lots of fun when playing with friends. Maybe I should convince my friends to give it a try…
Nintendo-wise I’m still on Tears of the Kingdom, over 230 hours in - I beat the main quest a while ago but I’m still trying to fulfill my completionist side.
I doubt I’ll make it anywhere near 100%, but I’d like to get a lot more side quests completed and a lot more armor fully upgraded. Might be nice to get max inventory size for my shields too.
Non-Nintendo-wise I picked up Bloons TD6 recently.
This game has so much stuff to collect and complete, you can spend an eternity getting everything maximized.
With the amount of stuff I am doing, I may not even reach 50%. I don’t care about most of the things, but I do want to complete most of the side quests, and get as many armour sets as I can. Upgrading them all to max might be too much for me though…
Bloons TD games are really fun. Playing the Netflix version?
I think I have all the armor except a single piece - which I know the general location of and just need to make a good push for. I don’t have any full sets upgraded to max yet though - just a few stray pieces. I did recently learn how to reliably farm star pieces, though, so it shouldn’t be as painful as I thought it would be. I don’t really have any leads on how to find the rest of my missing side quests right now - the method I was using kind of crapped out, and I feel like I’ve searched most obvious locations pretty thoroughly.
I’m on the Steam version - doing pretty alright, not as good at it as I thought I might be though
Wow, that’s cool. Good luck with the last remaining piece.
Heh, I didn’t know Bloons TD games were also available on Steam. I have always played them on mobile, and since I don’t play much on mobile, never really played them much. I have started Kingdom Rush maybe half a dozen time, never finished it even once.
Just started Zelda TOTK, slow burning it at the moment, will probably play persona 5 after this.
If you have just started TotK, and you are slow burning it, there is no need to think of what to play next yet. You have a looong journey ahead of you.
Have fun!