The U.S. government should block the import of low-cost Chinese autos and parts from Mexico, a U.S. manufacturing advocacy group said on Friday, warning they could threaten the viability of American car companies.
The U.S. government should block the import of low-cost Chinese autos and parts from Mexico, a U.S. manufacturing advocacy group said on Friday, warning they could threaten the viability of American car companies.
I’m pointing out that your problem with this is the problem you should have with the entire wildly destructive and corrupt US auto industry, which is doing the thing you’re afraid chinese car makers might one day do. I know it’s a hard thing for people poisoned by nationalism to apply a standard uniformly, but do try.
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You sound like a 1950s red scare boomer right now, or a medieval serf accusing another medieval serf of being a spy for the rival kingdom while we’re both covered in shit in a potato field. It’s just so sad.
Like a reverse Truman show, where you live in real life but have convinced yourself that vast swathes of people are paid actors.
As the decline of capitalist countries continues and their socialist counterparts continue to outpace them, this comforting nationalist delusion will take more and more of your energy to maintain, and will probably have deleterious effects on your mental health and sense of reality. For your own sake, and the sake of the people you believe it’s okay to disrespect in service of the fiction of nationhood, you should let go of it sooner rather than later.
Also it’s CPC.
Sure thing, buddy. You’re the only one bringing up communism and trying to act like this is some east versus west dick measuring contest. You can’t even make a coherent argument about why you think this is a good thing and instead go straight for whataboutism and ad hominem attacks.
Lol wut dude
You’re the only one who brought up communism, like right now and in your right off the bat east-west scaremongering
Is someone being haunted by a spectre?

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So you’re just like, the dumbest guy alive huh?
Byd cars are better and cheaper and I’d like to buy one like many people in Europe have chosen to do but the nationalist freaks that run this country and the rubes that eat up their propaganda are preventing me from doing that. Honda dominated in the 70s and 80s because they made something people wanted, liberals are terrified that China will do the same thing.
How can you claim they’re better and cheaper if you have zero access to them because of whatever “nationalist freak” that’s running your country? What specifically makes them better and how to they make them better than every other manufacturer while still being able to sell them cheaper?
Japanese cars still dominate because people still want them more than any other car. 8 of the 10 best selling cars in the world are from Japanese manufacturers.
I’m sure explaining how the internet works and the manufacturing and financials of a Chinese car company will get you to take off your blinders and won’t be a total waste of time, weird though how the 2022 bolt new was 15000 dollars cheaper than the 2020 model new, I guess it just got real cheap to build a bigger car with a bigger battery and a better infotainment system.