Although its just another OS, linux does have a major learning curve for the common GUI enjoyer like me.

When you all were first learning linux, did you have a specific resource you learned from? Was it more like doing projects and learning on the way through forums?

  • I’m special or at least my mommy says so. UwU

    All jokes aside. Literally couldn’t change an icon on W10 so I fully swapped to Linux cold turkey. I am extremely particular about how I want anything in my life so it just happened. I actually find GUIs confusing and time consuming. I input text in one place and it all works. Me likey. :3

        2 years ago

        Bacially, it’s excactly lke that. Every configuration is done through plain text files. Whether there is a GUI to control that or not, that’s a completely different issue. But, yes, even if there isn’t a GUI for it, you can manually edit the correspodning text files and get the desired result.