Hello, the past few weeks i have been a little stressed. I tried to meditate but most generic techniques dont work for me, do you have any that worked?

  • BOMBS@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    The only one that has reliably worked for me has been the one where I notice my environment using my 5 popular senses. It’s good for when I’m dissociated. It works like this video, but I go slower and really try to engage in what I’m sensing and describing it in objective detail. For example, if I’m feeling my desk, I’ll describe how hard it is, the texture, whether it’s slippery or not, etc. The only thing is to avoid making a value judgement, such as “I don’t like it,” or “This sucks.”

    Another one that works for me sometimes it to work on a 1000-piece puzzle. It takes up my attention if I want to complete it, so I need to bring myself back to the moment if I start to trail off. However, it can be mentally tiring if I’ve been over stimulated by mental work.

    Lastly, I like to do paint-by-numbers, such as this one. I take it, a blanket, a bottle of water, a cup, and a small folding table to the park. At the park, I find a nice place where I will see and hear people, but not interact with them. I place my blanket on the grass, open up the table, and get to paining. The experience is nice because I’m outside, I hear life all around without it bothering me, and I stay focus on a calm task that eventually has a beautiful outcome.

    Sorry you’ve been stressed 🙁