what should i know?? will it go faster than xubuntu? because it doesn’t use any snap applications?, will it have a modern ui? because, no offense, xubuntu’s ui looks very outdated and i know i can change it but i want something straight out of the box, i’ve seen screenshots of mint xfce and it sorta looks like GNOME!!! amazing woa!!yea linux mint let’s go!! what will be the pros be for using linux mint xfce please?? over xubuntu
edit: i’ve been using linux for 4 years now woa… a huge trip yep!!! my distro of choice was xubuntu, smol one wow!!! but now that i know mint has no snap and therefore no slowing down the laptop, i may go with that hey yea! so i’m not a newbie, i know the commands i know how to update wohoo!! and do all that stuff, basic things, thanks you
i will always make backups thanks, everything gets backed up of course!! thank you for the information
I wonder if you’d be more interested in one of the other Linux Mint flavors: Cinnamon or MATE. here is screenshots of all 3 to compare: https://www.linuxmint.com/screenshots.php
KDE doesn’t come pre-loaded but you can install any DE on any distro. Here are KDE screenshots: https://kde.org/screenshots
Anyway have fun and good luck :)