The long read: When hundreds of my fellow Uyghurs started disappearing into ‘re-education camps’ every day, it became clear that it was only a matter of time before I would be detained. So my wife and I got ready to run
Okay, I will put it simply because I don’t know what you’re trying to do. Qiao Collective is a pro CPC group that denies such thing as Uygur genocide is going on, if you read the article, and I highly recommend you to do, it explains how most probably extremist Islamists groups were funded in the region and a series of terrorists attack took place, and that what the Chinese government did was to imprison certain sectors of the population that where linked to such extremists groups, re-educated in order to leave their extremism behind. It also goes on on how most of the countries on Earth except the West deny such thing happening, and how the Muslim world also denies such acts. If anything, your source further proves my point.
Okay, I will put it simply because I don’t know what you’re trying to do. Qiao Collective is a pro CPC group that denies such thing as Uygur genocide is going on, if you read the article, and I highly recommend you to do, it explains how most probably extremist Islamists groups were funded in the region and a series of terrorists attack took place, and that what the Chinese government did was to imprison certain sectors of the population that where linked to such extremists groups, re-educated in order to leave their extremism behind. It also goes on on how most of the countries on Earth except the West deny such thing happening, and how the Muslim world also denies such acts. If anything, your source further proves my point.