[Poll] What should be Lemmy’s default way of displaying votes?
We're adding the ability to customize this in the upcoming release, but I'm wondering what people think would be a good default. The 4 pieces of showable/hideable info are: Upvotes, Downvotes, Score, and Upvote %. In Jerboa, I had a temporary default (until the next lemmy release), of `Score + Upvote %`, but people seem to dislike this a lot. I'll check back on this in a few days to see the result.

Lemmy 0.19 Breaking Changes
We are getting closer to the next major release. This version will have many breaking changes, so we are listing them here for app and client developers to adjust their projects. As we prepare for the release of Lemmy `0.19.0`, we'd like to provide any app or client developers ample time to upgrade their apps, as well as discover any problems, before we do the release. This will be **at least 4 weeks from now** (but likely longer). Server admins can also upgrade to the latest release candidates for testing. Be aware that they are still unstable and shouldn't be used in production. As with any upgrade it is important to have working backups in place. It should be possible for clients to support both Lemmy 0.18 and 0.19 without major workarounds. If backwards compatibility is causing you trouble, comment below and we will help to find a solution. To test, you can point your app to the following test instance running a release candidate of `0.19.0`: A diff of API changes is here: [lemmy-js-client API changes from 0.18.3 -> 0.19.0-rc's]( *Note for developers not using typescript or rust*: If you'd like to auto-generate an API client for your language, you can try out [@MV-GH's lemmy_openapi_spec](, or (if in kotlin), use Jerboa's [script here]( ## Major Changes ### Authentication Previous Lemmy versions used to take authentication as query/post parameters. This is insecure and unnecessarily complicated. With `0.19`, the `jwt` token can be passed either as cookie with name `auth`, or as header in the form `Authorization: Bearer `. A major advantage is that this allows us to send proper cache-control headers, with responses to unauthenticated users being cacheable. It also prevents token leaks in web server logs. The login and registration endpoints attempt to set the cookie automatically. If that is supported on your platform, you don't have to worry about the authentication token at all. In order for your client to be compatible with both Lemmy `0.18` and `0.19`, you should send auth in both ways. Meaning with each API call, send the old `auth` query/post parameter, as well as the new header or cookie. A few PRs detailing these changes: - - - - ### Users can block instances Users can now block instances, so that their communities are hidden from listings. This is done via `POST /api/v3/site/block` with parameters `int instance_id, bool block`. ### New sort options A new `scaled` sort option has been added. This sort is identical to the `Hot` sort, but also takes into account the number of each community's active monthly users, and so helps to boost posts from *less active* communities to the top. ### 2FA / TOTP Rework Two-Factor-Authentication is now enabled in a two-step process to avoid locking yourself out. Now a secret needs to be generated first with `POST /api/v3/user/totp/generate` (no parameters). The generated token needs to be added by the user to an authenticator app. Once this is completed, 2FA can be enabled with `POST /api/v3/user/totp/update`. This takes a string parameter `totp_token` (generated by authenticator app), and boolean `enabled`. 2FA can be disabled again with the same `update` endpoint. Additionally, the 2FA algorithm has been changed to `SHA1` for better compatibility. The update disables 2FA for all accounts, so that users who are locked out can use their accounts again, and to ease the transition to the `SHA1` algorithm. ### Timestamps now include timezone Previous Lemmy versions used timestamps without any timezone internally. This caused problems when federating with other software that uses timezones. Going forward, all timestamps in the API are switching from timestamps without time zone (`2023-09-27T12:29:59.113132`) to `ISO8601` timestamps (e.g. `2023-10-29T15:10:51.557399+01:00` or `Z` suffix). In order to be compatible with both 0.18 and 0.19, parse the timestamp as `ISO8601` and add a `Z` suffix if it fails (for older versions). ### Cursor based pagination `0.19` adds support for cursor based pagination on the `/api/v3/post/list` endpoint. This is more efficient for the database. Instead of a query parameter `?page=3`, listing responses now include a field `"next_page": "Pa46c"` which needs to be passed as `?page_cursor=Pa46c`. The existing pagination method is still supported for backwards compatibility, but will be removed in the next version. ### New endpoints for export/import of user settings data Users can now export their profile settings data (including subscriptions and blocklists) via `GET /api/v3/user/export`. The returned JSON data should not be parsed by clients, but directly downloaded as a file. Backups can be imported via `POST /api/v3/user/import`. ### Make remove content optional during account deletion When a user deletes their own account using `POST /api/v3/user/delete_account`, there is a new parameter called `delete_content`. If it is true, all posts, comments and other content created by the user are deleted (this is the previous default behaviour). If it is false, only the user profile will be marked as deleted. ### Outgoing Federation Queue The federation queue has been rewritten to be much more performant and reliable. This is irrelevant for client developers, but admins should look out for potential federation problems. If you run multiple Lemmy backends for horizontal scaling, be sure to read the [updated documentation]( and set the new configuration parameters. The [Troubleshooting]( section has information about how to find out the state of the federation queues.

Lemmy fully managed hosting
Hey dear community, we just launched today our fully managed hosting of Lemmy We offer to do Deployment / Security / DNS / SMTP / Monitoring / Alerts / Backups / Automated updates / Handle migrations / Fully automated but with Human support :) We deploy each instance on a dedicated VM, and we provide full root access as well if you want to customize anything. Pricing start at $10/month (billed hourly, no contract) I would love to get some feedback from the community

Community Boundaries and the All feed
It recently struck me recently that a number of users mostly scroll the All feed. This came up in a conversation where people were discussing how their main usage of lemmy was to scroll All and then rely entirely on blocking to refine their feed. Now whether that's a pathological instance of [Hyrum's law of all possible uses being relied on]( or an intended or fair use of a lemmy/reddit system, it does strike me that a substantial portion of the user base doing this likely has an effect on what happens within communities and the ability for communities to define themselves. Thoughts and speculations (and perhaps paranoia/exaggeration): * I don't know what happened on reddit in this regard, but I wouldn't be surprised if a relatively high proportion of users rely on All as described above compared to reddit in order to "fill out" their feeds more due to the smaller user base here. * A higher amount of All-feeders means fewer people willing to invest, contribute to or even care about specific communities. * This likely means community migrations away from toxic mods, or, starting new communities can run into more friction or less engagement. * Which, *arguably*, becomes a problematic feedback cycle in which All becomes a "better" feed than curating a set of subscriptions. * Perhaps a clear mechanism for this to manifest is that anyone can up/down vote anything, which means All-feeders can influence what appears in Subscription-feeders' feeds by imposing their tastes/preferences on posts' scores. In fact, if All-feeders are substantial in number and activity relative to Sub-feeders, this could be a sizeable influence on post ordering across lemmy/threadiverse. --- Now I don't know if any of this is really a problem at all, I'm just thinking out loud here (as, to make my bias clear, someone who doesn't get using the All). As far as Lemmy design decisions go: * Should non-subscribers be allowed or disallowed to vote on posts/comments in communities they're not subscribed to? My intuition on this is *obviously not* (ie, disallowed) and that the All feed is just for browsing not participating. For me, it's about enabling communities to form their own identity and sub-culture that doesn't get pushed around by others. * How this could be enforced? No voting from the All and/or Local feed. Seems easy and straight forward. * You could limit voting to those who have a subscription to the community, but then anyone could just easily subscribe and then vote while sticking to All. And that'd be harder to implement too I'd imagine. * Maybe communities should be able to control this behaviour. Private and local-only communities are apparently on the road map. Excluding non-subscribers from voting seems like a reasonable continuation of such options. * To get even more annoyingly complex, I could imagine communities having the option to exclude down votes or exclude down votes for non-subscribers. I'm sure that'd raise issues for some people's feeds as non-down-voting communities might unreasonably rise to the top or something. But if multi-communities come along, and voting in All is off or not guaranteed, this feels like a non-issue to me.

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Hey can we get a function that asks the user in question if they want to be mod/admin ?
Now anyone can be made mod/admin without their consent . A yes or no option would be much appreciated so someone can't abuse it and make innocent people mod/admin of troubling instances or communities .

I'm really confused here. I was kind of freaking out for 10 minutes because all the posts on my Lemmy account on the instance from the last 7 months completely vanished out of thin air on my profile. Than I loaded my profile page (this account) on my new account which I just created on, and the posts all appear to still be there. So I'm confused, why is it that others can see my posts, but I cannot? If you're reading this, can you check my profile and see if the posts appear for me please? The last post should be 5 days ago. There's only two things I can think of that ***might*** have bugged Lemmy out: 1. I was playing around in the settings earlier, and clicked the "Bot Account" checkbox; but I can't see how this would glitch anything, because I didn't click "Save". 2. The profile I'm posting this on is on My newly created profile is on and has the exact same username (DreitonLullaby) as this one; but I'm not sure how this would cause issues, because they are on two completely separate instances. That's all I can think of. Is this a known bug? How can I fix this?

If you write a plugin, let me know how it goes! [Link to PR](

PeerTube Federation broken?
In this case, it's one specific channel: That is, ! It's run by []( / []( AFAICT, federation hasn't been working from this channel to lemmy for ~3 months, for all the instances I checked (perhaps a particular lemmy version broke things?). EG: * the view on []( * on []( * on []( * and on []( By comparison: * is up-to-date: * And on, following the user (rather than the channel) is also up-to-date: I'm not following anything else on peertube so I don't know how common this is (and I couldn't find anything on the GitHub issues), but different behaviour on mastodon and lemmy would superficially indicate that it's a lemmy problem, which would be a shame given that lemmy is much better for consuming peertube.

cross-posted from: > This is a feature that as far as i know lemmy does not have, so it might be worth it to checkout and support piefed, it will probably be useful if there are certain topics that are really relevant to you and you want to develop in depth knowledge of. Could this be implemented in Lemmy as well? I have wanted this feature for some time now, and it seems like there is decent user interest: - -

My rating of Lemmy
Hi. So when I'm watching a tv show or movie, and it hits me in the feels, I will think something like "Oh, this movie is wholesome, or this tv show is wholesome" Even if it has swearing in it, as long as the message is a good one. I've been on Lemmy now a couple days, and I rate lemmy super-duper wholesome. Maybe it was the question/thread I asked, but the responses I got were very nice. Lots of people love to cuddle dogs as self-care and by golly, that's just as wholesome as it gets.

How can I permanently sort comments by top?
If it is not possible, I strongly suggest making it possible. Top in my experience has been more useful than hot and it's annoying to have to click on it for every post

User count has plateaued at about 420K Active user count rose significantly between 2/24 37K to 3/24 51K Hopefully users who signed up last year are coming back to use their accounts. Maybe because they're tired of ads on reddit? Should we put together a collection and and buy an ad campaign on Reddit? I can see it now: "Ads suck. We're ad-free forever. Join Lemmy." and "He'll never get us. Join Lemmy." or "Don't let him get you. Join Lemmy"

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Call to Lemmy app/UI devs: please improve video support
Everyone knows what they want to improve in their software. However, I am opening this post to raise awareness on this issue. It’s just a humble request. As you know, large video subreddits contribute greatly to Reddit reaching a large user base. For example, when you open the homepage, you can see many subreddits such as r/interestingasfuck, r/funny, r/yesyesyesyesno, r/unexpected etc. Lemmy is Reddit's alternative for text posts, but unfortunately not for videos at the moment. To fill this gap, I have opened the ! community and shared a few posts. But these videos are inconsistent between applications and UI’s. For example; - Voyager can open videos inline without any problems. - Mlem showing it as URL and opens the browser instead of playing. - Lemmy default UI is worst. It doesn’t even show the link. You have to click it’s title to see the video but it’s visually not a link. (looks like this one only occurs on mobile) - Alexandrite shows as a link. Yes, video hosting is expensive. However, before solutions such as torrents and IPFS, we must ensure that direct videos work smoothly. This is my $0.02 opinion.

  • Crouton
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[Suggestion] Language selection
Hello, I think it would be possible to improve the user experience of the language selection box. Now: ![screenshot of the language selector in its current state]( Suggestion: ![mockup of a new type of language selection](

! Technically it's not new, but practically speaking it's had 2 posts ever, with the last being 8 months ago. You may also know it as "creative coding" or the like, but it's not limited to coding.

Feature request: In-line spoiler text
Is there any plan or timeline to support in-line >!spoiler!< text? I know a few apps have implemented this already, but it would be nice to have it on the entire platform. ::: spoiler The current spoiler is markdown is clunky, difficult to remember, and not as flexible as in-line spoiler text. :::

How does moderation work on Lemmy?
If a comment or post gets reported, I can think of a number of different groups who might see that report: * The moderators of the community in which it was posted. * The admins of the instance hosting the community (call it instance X). * The admins of the reporter's instance (call it Y). * The admins of the poster's instance (call it Z). Do all of these see the report? Only some subset? Some other group I'm not thinking of? And if it is all/multiple of these, how does the actioning work? If the report's admin removes a post, does that mean nobody from instance Y can see it, but everyone else still can, or does it remove it more widely? Same for Z's admins and Z users. If X admins remove it, I *presume* that means nobody at all will see it, is this correct? And would a mod approving it means that admins of various instances will then not see the report, or does it stay in their queue separately?
fedilink [](/u/MachineFab812) (replaced with my own user profile, as I'm not trying to fill other users' inboxes for no real reason)(also, this somehow worked right when making this post, but not the original comment) `[](/u/MachineFab812) ` While we're at it, am I missing at instance-agnostic method for linking posts as well?

Is there a way to see all the posts/comments I upvoted?
Or do I need to save all the interesting posts I want to be able to find again? Because Reddit has this feature iirc.

How does “copy suggested title” work, and why does it sometimes not work?
I assume that it somehow scrapes the page for some sort of header text, but this doesn't seem to always work. For example, titles are suggested for []( articles, but not for []( articles. What differences result in suggested titles for one but not the other?

Random Communities that your Lemmy instance doesnt display.
I want to make a thread of Lemmy communities that people should know about. Jerboah (which makes Lemmy usable for me) or my instance have real troubles finding a lot of communities on distant servers, and opening them from Firefox also doesnt work. We dont need more tech stuff, we need to make Lemmy more useful! ::: spoiler List of Communities ## Environment - ! - ! - ! - ! - ! - ! - ! ## Activism - ! - ! - ! - ! ## Hobbies - ! ## Politiks, worldwide - ! ::: ::: spoiler URL List with cool Servers - [Solarpunk]( :::

Is federation broken?
Post made on can't be seen on

Should I add hashtags to Lemmy posts
Ive always wondered. - Should I be adding relevant hashtags to Lemmy posts related to the subject of the post to make the content more findable on other Activitypub services?

Post with 1 deleted comment shows as “0 comments (-1 New)”
A new post with 1 deleted comment shows as "*comment symbol* 0 (-1 New)" ... which looks goofy. But not in this /c, maybe there's some kind of /c setting that shows quantities of new comments? Maybe I made and deleted the comment too soon after I created this post?

  • Richard
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[Bug][ FIXED ] local lemmy-ui - translations
UPDATE: running `pnpm run translations:generate` (and also the other translations tasks, just to be sure) fixed the issue. --- When trying to setup a local Lemmy instance (for development), the `lemmy-ui` repository throws an error when trying to start the dev server. I followed the guide: When running `pnpm dev` to start the dev server, it presents me with two errors: ```bash ERROR in ./src/shared/services/I18NextService.ts 14:0-40 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../translations/en' in '/home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/src/shared/services' resolve '../translations/en' in '/home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/src/shared/services' using description file: /home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/package.json (relative path: ./src/shared/services) using description file: /home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/package.json (relative path: ./src/shared/translations/en) no extension /home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/src/shared/translations/en doesn't exist .js /home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/src/shared/translations/en.js doesn't exist .jsx /home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/src/shared/translations/en.jsx doesn't exist .ts /home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/src/shared/translations/en.ts doesn't exist .tsx /home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/src/shared/translations/en.tsx doesn't exist as directory /home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/src/shared/translations/en doesn't exist @ ./src/shared/dynamic-imports.ts 6:0-69 48:17-41 @ ./src/server/index.tsx 16:0-65 47:2-22 ERROR in ./src/shared/services/I18NextService.ts 159:43-129 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../translations' in '/home/ff0000/workspace/lemmy/lemmy-ui/src/shared/services' @ ./src/shared/dynamic-imports.ts 6:0-69 48:17-41 @ ./src/server/index.tsx 16:0-65 47:2-22 webpack 5.91.0 compiled with 2 errors in 14393 ms ``` I do see that these files nor the folder exist where I18NextService is trying to locate them. But i also see in the root a `lemmy-translations` folder. I am able to get it sort of working by updating the paths in I18NextService, but i guess that is not the preferred approach.

Hasn't worked for me in 3 days or so. Not on my browser or in app. Is the instance having issues or did it close down or smth?

Comment spam attacks in multiple /c’s by Thuleanxxx
There have been a number of comment spam attacks in various posts in a couple of /c's that I follow by a user/individual who uses account names like Thulean* For example: in [!]( and in ! edit: Also in ! The posts have been removed or deleted by the respective /c's mods, and the offending accounts banned, but you can see the traces of them in those /c's modlogs. The comments consist of an all-caps string of words with profanities, and Simpsons memes. An attack on a post may consist of several repeated or similar looking comments. This looks like a bored teenager prank, but it may also be an organization testing Lemmy's systemic and collective defenses and ability to respond against spam and bot posts.

Feature request: Rate limits on accounts in addition to IPs
A few days ago, there was a spammer going around instances spamming randomly generated text along with a series of images of the spine-chilling bone-tingling Simpson's character by the name of Sneed, some of them including George Floyd photoshopped between his ass cheeks. This spam reached many comment sections, typically those of recently created posts. The spammer managed to create thousands of comments within a few minutes, which definitely shouldn't be possible, especially on such a new account. I have noticed from the lemmy source code that it indeed does have rate limits, but only on IPs, not on accounts. It's possible that the spammer used proxies, perhaps scraped from a public list to bypass the simple rate limits already in place. The spammer seemed to have only a few accounts, therefore, adding a rate limit on accounts could help slow down such bots and minimize the damage they might cause. Another options I could think of are a more advanced form of spam detection and, albeit a bit scummy, reddit-style shadowbans, maybe a combination of a few such methods. Implementing such measures will help lemmy become a more usable platform and less of an easy target for trolls and 'channers with nothing better to do.

[Solved} Language settings
Content is hidden due to not choosing the languages in the settings. Making the language settings opted in by default should solve this initial struggle, opting out should be done manually. Putting check boxes next to the languages on there for selection should make things easier too. This has been an issue long before the guy in the linked post reported it. ~~I've had to face this same issue on other instances as well so it's obviously a Lemmy issue and not instance specific.~~ Please understand that these sorts of small but very visible troubles are what keep people away from this platform. You sign up and go to any community only to see no posts or only those not tagged with a language (You could even miss those if you don't choose "Undetermined"). Any new user would be confused "Are there no user at all?" "Is this community banned?" "Is this instance defederated?" Each of these doubts would just push any new users out. Edit: This [PSA]( was over 9 months ago now. Edit 2: It seems to be instance specific, and both have this issue as far as I've seen. Edit 3: Thank you everyone for your help.

Blocking a user behaves more like mute. Proper blocking needed to prevent harassment.
The block feature should be renamed to “mute”, which is what it seems to actually be. Currently I can apply this to a user and they can still see all my posts. So it’s a good mute feature but a terrible block feature.

Unable To Save Edits To My Posts in /c’s Hosted On Other Instances
After I've saved a post to a /c hosted by another instance than the one that I'm logged into, I can open that post for editing, but I'm unable to save my edits to that post. For example: I made a post to !, while logged in elsewhere. Something or other in the webpage link is forcing a download, so I tried to edit the URL in the post, but I can't save it. This also happened to a post I made to ! where I was trying to edit the text in the post's Body after saving the post. I can save edits to my posts to /c's on my native instance just fine.

I love Lemmy!
Was just browsing my favorite communities, commenting on posts I found really interesting, and engaging with other users who wanted to have conversations. … and not a single paid ad in my feed. I effing love this platform.

How to download account data?
Is there a setting page on the lemmy instance where I can download all my data?

[SOLVED: Updated every 24 hours] Display name and Bio updates don’t seem to be federating
E.g.: I know in past I've successfully updated my display name, and it shows on other instances, so perhaps this problem is new to 0.19.x, but I am not at all sure about that.

Would anyone be interested in a telegram channel for lemmy ? Do read ALL the edits as i have added much more context than i had put in the orginal post.
I can set it up . This idea popped into my head after i joined some good foss telegram channels and i personnely think matrix is not there yet also telegram does supports third party apps there are some privacy concerns but i don't think it matters to our use case and it is all speculation but matrix instance hoster could be violating this too as most groups are not encrypted . I also do think telegram is just a better experience and more polished to use but i would advise you to download a third party app from fdroid instead of using the official client . So anyways lemmy know. PS : I am in no way a telegram shill just thinks it is a good platform for this use case as mercurygram, fossify,telegram foss etc. hosts theirs there and it is really a good overall experience . Again not a SHILL. EDIT : This was just an idea i had and if you disagree please comment so and i will not move forward ciao EDIT : This was a for the community idea but if most of the community doesn't want it i will ofcourse not go forward but do write your thoughts in the comments as i don't know what you think by seeing the upvotes or downvotes (as some people do it accidentally by swiping or because they did'nt like something specific in the post which can be changed of you comment) and if there is anything i can do to make the experience better . EDIT : Its all about options i am not proposing to move the community from matrix but just starting another one.

“New” tab between Local and All [Feature Request]
This tab works like Subscribed only in reverse; it only shows stuff from comms you're not subscribed to. Perfect for finding new content to subscribe to without needing to sift through All.

    Create a post

    Everything about Lemmy; bugs, gripes, praises, and advocacy.

    For discussion about the instance, go to !

    • 1 user online
    • 8 users / day
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    • 239 users / month
    • 688 users / 6 months
    • 1 subscriber
    • 1.09K Posts
    • Modlog
    A community of privacy and FOSS enthusiasts, run by Lemmy’s developers

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    1. No bigotry - including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia. Code of Conduct.
    2. Be respectful, especially when disagreeing. Everyone should feel welcome here.
    3. No porn.
    4. No Ads / Spamming.

    Feel free to ask questions over in: