Spiritual But Not Religious | Eclectic Spirituality

You cannot take away the rights of others in the name of equality and cannot allow intolerance as intolerance stifles tolerance

Migrated from reddit with the same username

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  • 9 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023

Did anyone else here get mentally exhausted from their diagnosis tests ?
from the puzzle solving and maths questions to answering of questions I fell asleep from the mental exhaustion after I got home

Oh god I hate this, I’m afraid of people misunderstanding me especially when it comes to discussing sensitive or controversial topics

As someone learning Japanese I’d recomend you not learn from duolingo

For Japanese use genki, them quartet

I am currently going through genki

Anyone else read it as “Mountain pew”

You could make another one and use it to make a sand cast and make one out of recycled aluminium cans

I definitely think this could be improved with carving in owl like details and maybe even painting it like hand figures


Safety switches / circuit breakers only protect the wiring inside the walls

They don’t do anything for extension cords and power boards so don’t overload them otherwise you will risk a house fire

I’m happy that there aren’t toxic hostile users attacking this post like the zero waste sub was on lemmy

I’m not going to mention the group of users by name I’m referring to but you can infer it but I have seen them active on other areas of lemmy and I’ve seen some accounts from that group that have posting activity that reminds me of the bite model because of similarities

You could restart the core of Mars and make it stable enough to support atmosphere qnd terraform the planet

Inspect everything needed to create another society

Inspect a rocket, create a rocket

Learn how to safely operate rocket

Inspect earth, leave earth in rocket

Create 2nd earth, live on second earth and watch what happens on first earth while living life peacefully on 2nd earth

One of my high school teachers was called miss bussy and I’m not joking about this ethier, that was her actual name

pauline is one thing, buts that’s being a racist, not an Australian

As someone who is learning japanese I can appreciate this comment

They are still Lound when they are microwaving

What you want to do is get one that is more roughly shaped but still recognisable as a paw print and have the paw part be made of a soft material that hard enough to leave paw prints in dort but inconsistentently so the paw prints in the dirt aren’t perfectly uniform

It would also be better to have the paw part be casted from a real dog paw

Apparently this doofus hasn’t heard of batteries or they are commenting in bad faith and know about batteries

Wouldn’t most development programs tell them the syntax error on the line and column where you replaced the semicolon

This wouldn’t work

That shade of brown isn’t helping

It looks more like shit than a hotdog

Anyone know the term for these so I can look them up

And if you need some internal cooling just slurp a hotdog down

Slice hole vertically in the middle between and stick tounge in and slurp it out

I’m fucking thankful everyday that I wasn’t born in the dystopian countries

I feel bad for the people who live in them (excluding the ones who knowingly & willingly make those countries a dystopia)

Which is why I beleive companies making medical hardware should be forced to open source the firmware and software as well as document how the hardware works and have it be open to the public in a read only mode while qualified people can make updates to the software and firmware

I wonder if the original founders named it in honour of Tesla and then elon had to come in and ruin it all

I’ve also read a few claims that Tesla made an earthquake machine at some point but don’t know if its true or false

And idiots still think edison invented the light bulb

You still need to trust the manufacturer

Also the drivers and hardware can be backdoored

“is an American educational”

That’s why I’ve never heard of it

What old technologies would work in a solarpunk society ?
For example water driven sawmills to cut wood

Recomendations for anime similar to “Azumanga Daioh” ?
I'm looking for anime similar to azumanga daioh that has a similar feel and energy to it while also being a slice of life primarily centered in a school setting like azumanga was

Sharing this here because it looks applicable to solarpunk

Sharing this post from mildyinteresting Community because I think you'll be interested in it over here in the solarpunk community Sorry if I have accidentally reposted it

What event did you miss that saved your life
Saw the post asking people for mising their plane stories and made me wonder if peoples lives where saved by missing some event so here I am asking