Honestly the fact that it has code that says “under condition X, don’t save the user” is concerning in and of itself. I wouldn’t trust this thing in the first place.
Honestly the fact that it has code that says “under condition X, don’t save the user” is concerning in and of itself. I wouldn’t trust this thing in the first place.
Ultimately both games involve humans that can be killed with guns so yeah I guess it’s partly that. That’s why I wasn’t allowed to play either a kid haha. At least I think that the characters from Jet Force Gemini are humans?
Unrelated but this just reminded me of how my brother and I somehow convinced our mom it was ok to play Golden Eye as long as we used the paintball mode cheat haha.
I got that part. I was wondering what earned it that rating. I can understand the “teen” rating in the US but this article says that in Japan games rated “Z” can only be sold and displayed to people 18+. Games rated “T” in the US can technically be sold to anyone as far as I know.
So what about the game is considered so offensive in Japan?
True. Iirc it got a “T” rating from the ESRB.
What got Jet Force Gemini that rating? I played it as a kid and don’t remember anything that bad. Some dialogue stuff that went over my head?
Yeah tbh image embeds were a mistake IMO.