How is this not a war crime? Precision bombs? Not targeting civilians? Genocide? Am I the only one who didn’t take a crazy pill today?
So very, very, very many questions. Trump thinks this is a strong response? Fuck.
How is this not a war crime? Precision bombs? Not targeting civilians? Genocide? Am I the only one who didn’t take a crazy pill today?
So very, very, very many questions. Trump thinks this is a strong response? Fuck.
And just like that: Lowe’s no longer exists in my world.
I thought the products were an illustration of how much food is in his colon. You know: why he’s so full of shit.
Lovely. Seems to be missing a steering wheel, though. JK!!! Is it recreational or lifestyle?
Now I want an onboard system that hides my tag until it sees a pig bike/car/van, warns ME (the schlep who pays for it) and reveals the tag. Why is tech serving the pigs and not the owners who drive the vehicles as they were designed? Oh, that’s right, the cozy relationship between corporations and leo gangs. FML
And if you think I drive aggressively now, buy one of these stitchmobiles and see how often you’re cut off, brake checked, and given a hassle. Spoiler alert: it’ll be a lot more. A LOT.
This is what Germany in 1929 was - without social media.
The EV 635A. Built. To. Last.
I swear to god - on a dare I used one as a hammer and it lost 0 range on the SA.
Toughest mic and best DR of it’s 1965 class. Still a viable non-phantom , mono drum or ambient mic.
True believer!