Close your eyes, that’s as close as you’ll get.
Close your eyes, that’s as close as you’ll get.
I wish I could but we couldn’t recover the body, the cum left earth’s atmosphere with my wife’s body attached. A panel of scientists told me her limp lifeless body is currently being pulled towards the the outer edges of the known universe, hence the vigil.
This is why you cover your bed sheets in vaseline and motor oil, amateur.
My wife died from high velocity cum. I’m holding a silent vigil tonight, you’re welcome to come. Masturbation is allowed but only when silent and discrete.
No, I’m part of an entire team. There’s multiple project managers, stylists and other people. We get client briefings and everything, it feels strangely corporate.
No, I commute to work by ambulance
Maybe if things go poorly Europe will have to come liberate you guys and spread some democracy.
I work for an influencer now, I went to a reputable film school and have a masters degree. I used to do documentaries on BLM for god’s sake.
Toad, I would love to have all the advantages boomers had and I would gladly agree with you and chuckle and call myself a hypocrite BUT I CAN’T EVEN BUY A FUCKING HOUSE IN THIS ECONOMY.
He’ll probably figure it out on his deathbed if you’re lucky
Here are some more fun facts about driving blind, the car horn can be used for echolocation and the exhaust pipe fits a cane to see if there are drivers behind you.
I’m surprised I’ve never seen Bugs Bunny do any of this
Very well, your toilet wine will be served to you together with the bath tub lasagna
May I offer you a bowl of sauvignon blanc to go with your glass of soup?