Won’t this delete the two newest files, as opposed to everything except the two newest files?
Won’t this delete the two newest files, as opposed to everything except the two newest files?
I just looked up the man page, and actually head -n -2
means “everything up to but not including the last two lines”, so this should always leave two files remaining.
Ah! This is a shell pipe! It’s composing several smaller commands together, cool stuff.
ls -1
is the grep-friendly version of ls, it prints one entry per line, like a shopping list.
takes a set number of entries from the head of a list, in this case 2 items. negative two, meaning “all but the last two.”
takes the incoming pipe and converts it into extra arguments, in this case applying those arguments to rm
So, combined, this says “list all the .dump files, pick the first two, all but the last two, and delete them.” Presumably the first are the oldest ones and the last are the newest, if the .dump files are named chronologically.
this is my current solution; I use Obsidian to manage my notes and I sync the folder with Syncthing. I still use Google Keep though for its whiteboard tool; is there a better app for that?
updated post here, includes section on networking! let me know if this looks good? https://lemmy.world/post/2444639
ah, thank you! it’s actually been long enough that I created a new post here: https://lemmy.world/post/2444639
Very high praise! Let me know what they find helpful or frustrating!
ah, well spotted! I’ll fix that, whoops
I’ve changed my naming scheme so many times that its practically a set-of-sets at this point. But, “board games” is a good long one if you have a lot of machines.
I add .env to my .gitignore, then I can safely put secrets in my .env. If you have a big .env file, make a sample.env with the secrets removed.
actually, could you tell me more? not only are those new solutions to me, those are new problems. I don’t even know how to tell if uPnP is turned on.
edit: oh! I have actually dealt with NAT reflection before, the guide I used called it Hairpin NAT. https://help.mikrotik.com/docs/display/ROS/NAT#NAT-HairpinNAT
I wish I had a better guide on that myself! I’ve been using this guide for the time being, it covers the basics of how to set up a firewall: https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/configuration.html#securing-your-raspberry-pi
That doesn’t answer the question, they asked if it’s open source. I agree, I don’t want to replace one sketchy data-harvesting service with another, I’d be a lot more comfortable giving shutup10 control of my system if it was on github or gitlab.