The US doesnt care about sacrificing Ukrainians as long as they can hurt Russia.
TIL that Twitter spends 3 million usd per day on their infrastructure. 90 million per month, or a billion per year. Imagine how many fediverse servers that could pay for.
Ive never been there so no idea what its like. But personally I prefer smaller cities, where you can live closer to nature.
Most “journalists” are at zero risk because they just parrot what their governments say.
Russia was not going to wait for the Ukronazi offensive, but decided to attack first. Now its time to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine. No clear confirmation of a Russian ground invasion, the attack was carried out with artillery and air strikes on military targets (and very effectively).
They blindly repeat what western politicians say, including war propaganda (like alleged “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq). When politicians from other countries say something against the western agenda, it is completely distorted to paint them as evil. Its not fact based at all, and doesnt even pretend to be neutral.
There was some silly drama because they shared something about a police officer who used their products. No doubt everyone forgot about that within a few days, thats how Masotodon is.