They’ve discovered that civil liability will circumvent the 1st Amendment protections preventing them from regulating free speech directly.
I am Bersl. I am a nerdy raccoon of 38 years who lives in a messy dumpster while the world crumbles around.
I help maintain a big ole’ pile of Perl (mostly) for a living. The rest of tech is leaving me in the dust. I’m kind of okay with that. Sometimes the muses are kind to me and let me write poetry. etiam aliquando Latine lego vel dico vel scribo. Poni poni poni poni poni.
They’ve discovered that civil liability will circumvent the 1st Amendment protections preventing them from regulating free speech directly.
Is this a DRM thing?
(Answer: possibly maybe)
(mostly for the Wal-Mart sections)
At this point, I almost feel like we need to start over with the idea of pipelining in CPUs, as though it were some kind of original sin. The fact that the most basic of errors in pipelined logic are referred to as “hazards” should have been a hint.
(Edit: only half kidding)
Subscribe by following the community handle, like @tech. As for voting, some of us don’t mind not being able to do that. If I decide to start caring about that, I guess I’ll get an account on a proper server that handles this feature.
@awooo @southernwolf So instead of making training data opt-in, everyone’s just going to enclose the Internet even further.
@TerrorBite @tech Sure, it’s a hack, but why can’t systems be smart about subpixel rendering?
In theory, an EDID can describe its subpixel layout to a system, and text renderers can use that information to decide whether subpixel rendering makes sense.
I guess there’s a lot of information passing that would need to take place that can’t/doesn’t happen.
“9 consumers may be alienated for the value of the 1 with poor impulse control who remains”
literally spam economics